Dublin EIDW airport elevations terrible

Hoping you can make this out but whenver I land or take off from here it is a rollercoaster. Assuming it shouldnt be like this. Anyone else have this and does anyone have a fix for it. Nothing on flight.to, suprised if everyone else’s is like this that it hasnt been fixed by someone. Might have to buy an aftermarket scenery for it as do like flying here and love the aer lingus livery.

Hi there,

Please file a Bug Report on Zendesk. You can create a new ticket by clicking the “Submit a Request” link on Zendesk’s navbar. This is the preferred method.

You do not have to log in to Zendesk, but logging in allows you to easily track your support tickets in the future.

I fly there quite frequently - default scenery - and don’t have this problem. Sorry I can’t help more. Hope you get it fixed.

In EDDS I had the same problem due to a conflict with navigraph data installed. There was a solution on their website…

This helped me. No terrain issue in EDDS anymore.

Thank you very much, this has worked for me.

Nope it worked once. Tried another flight later in day and elevations are back to the same for me agin at Dublin. If it thinks im going to go through that routine every time I start up this sim it can go and get stuffed. I give up on this sim I really do. It is endless frustration after frustration.

Sorry to hear that. I have to admit, that I haven‘t checked EDDS again. I’ll will do that. Maybe you should get in touch with Navigraph.

I use the scenery add on from MK Studios as living not far from the airport I wanted something more real. Wasn’t impressed with so called Ireland update but maybe that caused the issue with the default EIDW.

I’m getting terrible performance now at Dublin, cant really fly there at the moment, about 16 FPS Vs my usual 28 FPS at most airports (I have my system tuned the way I like it, limited to 28 FPS, it works fine), does anybody else notice bad performance at EIDW?

Not at all, sorry.

I fly from an to EIDW all the time because it’s home turf…

OK, thanks for your info, it’s odd cos it’s been bad for the past few days, I noticed a similar degradation in performance at Nice and Lisbon too, but after a few restarts this evening it’s doing a lot better now. :+1:

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