Dune Expansion and Atreides Royal Ornithopter

I’m an instrument rated private pilot who can no longer afford to fly privately and I can use MSFS to practice procedures on Xbox Series X with a yoke & throttle quadrant just fine when the sim is working, so there are many PC centered arguments that fall flat for me. That said, what happened to MSFS to incorporate the Dune Expansion option also happened in SU15 beta, so the scope of the problem at hand does raise the issue of leaving simmers behind to reach a larger market of gamers. I don’t think Asobo wants that to happen, but building the new bug copter required new physics & control modeling, the latter of which has corrupted many of our saved controller profiles. What the broke I hope they can fix, but yes right now my toy/sim/game/whatever it is to you and me is in fact broke. They have my feedback recorded so I am optimistic we are being heard. Lost all Boeing TCA Yoke/Quadrant controller preset values

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