Dune Expansion Splash Screens

But if it swallowed up some of the AI planes, I would just celebrate the performance boost from the lesser traffic! Lol


I also do not care for some of the Splash screens, but just choose to ignore them.

MSFS is NOT a Splash Screen generator, and one splash screen is as good as any other.

Just Ignore them, and move on.

Are you really getting upset by a Splash Screen ?


Dude, it breaks immersion!

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Almost as bad as tiles popping in, LOD issues, ATC drop outs, Snow, Weather, model matching…

A lot less than sitting in front of a Computer, thinking that you are in a fully Immersive flying experience.

How can a Splash Screen break your flying Immersion – your not even close to flying when they pop up !!!

or am I missing the point here, and this has become a Sarcasm thread ?

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My tongue was planted firmly in my cheek when I wrote that.

Sounds like you are trying to WORM out of your previous statement ? :bug:

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Anyone any idea where they are or what their names are ?

I searched and could not find any images that looked like the Dune Loading Splash Screen images.

Are they sent LIVE when on is loading , because if you are not connected to the Internet when starting/running MSFS, you do NOT get the Splash (Dune) Loading screens.

Instead you seem to get a GENERIC Default screen throughout the whole loading process. (Boring)

So I would assume that FLO is stopping them from loading by altering the UI code that gets them from the MS servers. ?

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The Dune update is optional.
I can’t fathom why a splash screen would cause such angst.

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Because you cannot please some people - there will always be something they feel is their right to complain about – but if it is only about Game Splash screen, they probably get the minimal attention they deserve.


I’ll never argue that it isn’t their right to complain. But what purpose does it serve, except their own?

Dude, it breaks immersion!

See CM response here: