Dune, ornithopter jets

yes thats the one, although mine is in kmh

also me ta max boost

Yea, that’s almost exactly what I got. Try a long dive and see if the 800 seems accurate for that. Note that indicated and true are different. You’re at 547 true there. You may know this already, but the higher you go, the lower IAS drops while TAS will tell you true air speed still


“MAX SPEED” 800 kts in the description is Vne IAS (similar to all other aircraft).

Enjoy your flight,

After seeing a load of yt vids It seems that I have the speed but NOT the animation of the thrusters that go with it.

A bug has been created regarding missing effects. You initially reported that the jets DONT work.
So they don’t work and effect are missing ?, or they do work and just the effects are missing ?
(just to understand if both topics are about the same issue or separate ones)

It seem that its just the visuel affects missing.

You can contribute to the above mentioned bug topic since it clearly states an issue with the jets visual effects.

why are there profiles for stick and controllers that are created when I have not installed this mod. Additionally, these profiles cannot be deleted.

Check out that post in case you also have it installed: