Duplicate key assignments that shouldn't be duplicate

I’m seeing this with the cockpit view camera keyboard controls. I want to have WADS for moving the camera and Shift+WADS for rotating the camera. But when I assign the keys that way, Shift+one of the keys does both translation and rotation!

What I see is a slight variation on this (I think). For example when I issue the CTL + 1 command to show the first instrument view, the instrument view is shown correctly, but in addition it issues the ATC response ( 1. ) and causes that command to execute. It works the same with all the numbers combined with CTL ( i.e. CTL + n). This started with the 12-22-2020 update. I did not check out the other keys such as ALT or Shift used to make key combinations. I suspect they may work the same, but maybe not. If it executes all key combinations as multiple commands, that could be a major problem.

Yours is another example of the same problem. I’ve seen the same behavior with Alt. It appears all modifier keys (shift, alt, ctrl) + another key execute the assigned function in addition to whatever other function is assigned to the same key without the modifier key.

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