Dutch flight enthusiast

Hallo fellow Dutchies,

As we are all enjoying the sim, it would be even more fun to discover the Netherlands (and beyond) with your fellow Dutch people!

It would be nice to have weekly group flights as well as weekly or monthly lesson flights for all of us to join where a pilot with a lot of experience can teach some of the newer kids on the block (like me).

Probably the handiest way to stay in contact is with a (new) Discord server and let this topic serve as a welcome thread.

Discord link: https://discord.gg/KWB27fF


Also from The Netherlands, even though I always enjoy flying more around the US I do love to fly closer to home from time to time so I will be joining up at some days if personal life permits it offcourse.

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Count me in, as long as the time difference allows me to join. Now living in the US, but love the idea of exploring Nederland in multiplayer sessions.

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I’ll join too. Nice idea.

Goed idee :+1:

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