DX12 white flashes

When using DX12 I get brief white flashes in the headset (Reverb G2), with DX11 its fine. Also with certain 3rd party scenery the ground flashes randomly in small individual square type of shapes, this is replicated on the monitor twin VR view.

I’ve tried different drivers, settings etc but its always present with DX12. Even tried not overclocking/overclocking more and nothing seems to make any difference to the problem.

I’d like to use DX12 because its a lot smoother than 11 but the glitches/artefacts or whatever they are make it unusable.

Other specs - 4090 - i9 13900k 32GB DDR5

Overclocking is def something to avoid doing, esp. with your already very strong PC imho (actually the same specs as mine). With mfsf2020 (2024 still uninstalled right now) I now only use dx12, but even with dx11 I’ve found it best to disable win10/11 hardware acceleration graphics (HAGS). I also turn Game Mode = off. Sorry, all I can think of right now. Cheers.

On 2020, I think this is the old issue of Bloom.
Try disabling Bloom and see if the flashes go away…

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set sharpening to a non-zero value.

I’ve tried most things on this thread already after reading a few similar posts. bloom seems to work with the white flashes a bit but the sun and other things look rubbish then, but nothing seems to make the ground flashing any better. I’ll have to post a video of what I mean when I get a minute.

As an aside, I can only reply to threads on this forum when I use the PC with the FS2020 software on. If I try to log in on a different PC or a phone it just says it cant find the Xbox account or whatever so I’m limited to posts on this specific machine. How do you log in on other computers?