Ok, hopefully last update on all this, lol!
After lots of experimenting with both my QPro and Q3 headsets I’ve come to conclude that overall I get better distance clarity using Link with its default h.264 codec. So I’ve revised my ODT base settings as follows (hopefully my cut/paste will work). For msfs 2020 I add 1.40 pixel density (really sharpens up cockpit instruments using dlss/balanced) and I’m using asw mode = 45fps forced, asw disabled (using 80Hz refresh rate this gives me a very smooth 40fps).
Again, by default, Air Link still uses h.265 and encoding slicing = off, Link uses h.264 with encoding slicing = on. This ODT works fine with both Air Link and Link. I’m also now finding that DX12 works a bit better now (HAGS still disabled).
I hope some find this useful. Cheers.