I hope it’s not a spoiler to point out Easter Eggs, but I was flying in VR 1000 feet over Loch Ness this morning and I swear I saw the Loch Ness Monster poking her long neck out of the water. By the time I was able to descend for a closer look I was nearly overhead. I didn’t get a great view and I didn’t want to cheat by stopping and slewing.
Can someone else verify?
Woohoo I know where my next flight will be!
It does seem unlikely … but if I was a developer, that’s just the kind of thing I’d add; at a probability of 1 in a million!
Anyone seen a UFO yet??
It was just a terrain spike… I’ve seen Nessie here in Hollister, CA too.
pics or it didn’t happen
I know, right? Unfortunately it’s not easy to get a screen shot in VR, so you’re just gonna have to believe me. Please believe me.
I just flew the Loch. Nuttin’ there. Not even any fisherman. Beautiful sunset though.
Third key from the top right, or it didn’t happen…
It sounds like the accurately modeled the Loch Ness Monster then if you didn’t see it.
Oh man I was flying over there today too- I didn’t see a thing. Maybe I’ll try again now that you’ve come up with something. What plane were you flying?
Maybe you just have to believe .
Seriously, though. I’m going to go back and take another look. I will stop and slew if I have to. I will take a screenshot and share it.
I was in a Mooney Ovation M20R flying about 1000 feet heading west from Inverness. I believe I saw it about halfway down the lake close to the center.
Of course, it could have been some other kind of artifact (some bit of machinery, a crane, maybe?). But I’m going to put on my tin foil hat and investigate.
There’s going to be so many of you flying over the loch the noise will scare poor Nessie into the depths! Please don’t all rush there at the same time.
I just realized that if this doesn’t pan out I will forever be branded as the guy who thought he saw the Loch Ness Monster. I’ll never live it down!
Fly around Montana… let us know if you see Bigfoot
alright, if you’re in VR, you get a pass.
Probably a terrain spike XD
Well, I returned to the lake, flew around the spot several times, but whatever I saw this morning was no longer there. Nessie is very shy, you know. It has to have been Nessie because it looked exactly like a 3D reproduction of the famous “photo” that MarkRWatney shared above. As I got closer (within 200 feet asl) I lost detail because of the speed of my plane, the VR frame rate and focus issues.
I suspect that a programmer put her there to appear at random, or under specific conditions. Either way, I guess I’m lucky to have been in the right place at the right time.
They could do some cool easter eggs, but think they don’t do any.
Least not at Area 51…
Aerofly 2 has some at Area 51, a crashed saucer in the lakebed, and a moon faked production set with lander, and lights etc…
Orbx has been known to add things from time to time…
(I’ve added a time stamp as to not offend anyone by posting a video from another sim)
I was on the haunt for nessie. But what I found wasn’t what I expected…
(BTW Loch Ness has some serious water elevations problems)
That’s not water elevation problem. That’s just Nessie swimming below the surface.