EDDF light pole on taxiway N8 causes crash for heavy planes like 747-8

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When taxing in or out using N8 taxiway , one of the light poles is too close to the tip of wing (marked in red in the attached photo) and it sometimes causes crash.

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This shows where MSFS and IRL do not intersect completely. Navigraph has Jeppeson charts but Navigraph is subscription based. The Navigraph/Jeppeson charts for the airport show that B747-8 are prohibited from using taxiways N7 and N8 (probably due to wingspan). This restriction is not in MSFS. However, it looks like a light pole is shown (correctly?) in MSFS.

The problem is that an MSFS user would not know about the taxiway restriction unless they use Navigraph and review the airport charts as part of their preflight briefing.

Should MSFS remove the light pole and any other taxiway obstructions so a B747-8 can taxi without hitting something? Or is it possible to have MSFS somehow include taxiway restrictions and have them easily seen by B747 pilots? Even if MSFS were to make available the Navigraph/Jeppeson charts, a user would still have to review them before taxiing. I don’t see a simple solution for this….


If those light posts are there in real life, then I do not think this warrants a change.


Well, I actually do use subscribed Navigraph charts and haven’t noticed any restrictions for N8 for 748. I did notice the restrictions noted for N7 (only the blue and orange taxiways on right and left of N7). I’ll check the charts again and let you know if otherwise. I also looked at google maps and can clearly see the light pole on the left (when you’re facing RWY07 C) but couldn’t find the one I marked. That being said, my only turn around at this time is to use other taxiways and sometimes, I need to explain to the controllers (flying in IVAO) why I don’t want to taxi on N8! Again, these are all based on my simulator observations as I have not seen the taxiway in real world.

UPDATE: I checked the charts and there is NO restrictions for B747-8 for N8 taxiway. The snippet below shows the restrictions in brown-ish colour. I drew a green line shows the N8 with no restriction meaning the 748 should be able to freely taxi. I guess this needs to get fixed…

Thank you for this information. I sort of misread the chart… Seeing restrictions for N8-Blue and N8-Orange not seeing the N8 in the middle without the restriction, I assumed the restrictions were for all of N8. My wrong assumption!

I have submitted bug reports for incorrectly placed light poles on or near taxiways along with the screen caps showing the error. The light poles were removed quickly with the next update.

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No worries! I agree. The way the charts are depicted can be confusing. Thanks for the reply!


I’m aware it’s been a long time, and I agree it’s frustrating. I was just about to depart on a flight to Abu Dhabi when that silly light post stopped me, but I don’t really blame the airport. If you go to the coordinates 50°02’39.8N 8°33’33.9E on Google Maps, it does specify the maximum wingspan for N8 is 36.0 meters. This should have been depicted in the simulator, though.

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Surprised this hasn’t been resolved yet since I first reported it!