EDDF Missing Forest Areas after the newest update


I experienced some missing forest areas near the Airport Franfurt a.M. (EDDF) in Germany after the newest update. My sliders are all on ultra with 30-40fps. Do you experience the same issue?

The Missing forest at the Approach to the 25L/25C/25R same problem has also the opposite.
Internet speed is about 60mbits down and 15 mbits up
regards legendsy

Deforestation activities, maybe?

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I have the same issue.
The trees are back if photogrammetry is disabled.
There was a similar bug in the past (after wu7?). It seems that this photogrammetry bug is back again with WU8.

Thanks for bringing this up.
I can confirm the issue. Approach to EDDF looks like postapocalyptic wasteland (again). We had this issue before sometime last fall, if I remember correctly. Hope this gets fixed soon.

Wow, great! Thanks a lot. You are the hero of my weekend :wink:
