Edit existing NAVAID (according to real NOTAM)


I would like to edit some default / existing NAVAIDs with the SDK (By the way, I am using the Navdata from Navigraph). The goal is to deactivate some VOR / NDB / ILS / runway lights and so on (according to real NOTAMs). With the simplenavdata example in the SDK I can create new VORs, NDBs and so on. But is it possible the overwrite / delete / edit existing NAVAIDs?

Thank you for your help!


SDK has no tool to remove specific navaids like VOR or NDB unless they are inside of a an Airport and may have some look using the delete commands for the specific ICAO
But using the same code to add them,
You may try to change their properties according that you are using the same ident of the stock ones
It worked in the past, so could still work

Hi Stefan,
such navaids will be automatically deactived/actived by the AIRAC cycles - so, why do you want to do this manually and also what source do you use for this?



thanks for your answers.

There are several sources to read current NOTAMs. E. g. via the Navigraph app or many online sources (a database with structured content, easy to read and access would be great, and api project?).

Richard, are you sure about automatic activation / decativation of naviads with the cycles? As I said, I am using the Navdata from Navigraph and can not confirm this behaviour (I usually fly in Germany / Europe). I had several approaches to an airport where by NOTAM the ILS was out of order due to maintenance but I could reach it without problems. But I did not test it very detailled, maybe I have to!

My idea was to create a database with all relevant NOTAMs for e. g. Germany (maintenance by whomever), which would be read prior every MSFS startup. Related to the NOTAMs there will be a simple xml-file, which will be converted to a bgl project and injected to the MSFS via the community folder.

Possible NOTAMs could be:
VOR / NDB out of order
ILS out of order / no glideslope / no DME
runway closed => no runway lightning

In future this can be expanded to ground NOTAMs, too:
taxiway / gate / runway closed => placing scenery objects (stop sign or what ever) to corresponding positions, no lightning

A further problem could be the time dependent activation of a NOTAM. But this is far in the future.

For now, I wanted to check, whether such a project could be realised in a simple way.

Thank you for your help.



They don’t just take the CIFP data directly. They read it in and massage it for MSFS. For instance, many airports are not up to date, so, that data that doesn’t match the runway data in MSFS is I imagine ignored. Runway 20 at KFIT has been closed for 2 years, and if you look at the airport in the World Map, you can see it closed there, too. Yet, the airport in the sim still has the runway. And, even though I closed it when I redid the runway, it’s still in the nav database and you can choose it. I’m going to have to write my own data for the airport to get rid of it. So I’m pretty sure they ignore data that doesn’t match what’s in the sim. And, to boot, they will very likely ignore maintenance issues as well.

In my experience, there’s a ton of innaccuracies in the MSFS nav database. And NavBlue is no help. I wish they’d gone with Jeppesen.

My guess would be if a VOR is down for a week for maintenance, that might not be reflected in the navdata, as it could occur between cycles.

Perhaps one option would just be to pretend that VOR doesn’t exist for simulation purposes?

Yes I´m sure … but it depends on the off-period, the total days/months … one week or less makes no sense, all longer are included.


Absolutely correct @hobanagerik


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