EFB & Loading Fuel

Has anyone been able to apply different amounts of fuel using the EFB?

Likewise, using the flightplanner.flightsimulator.com or the EFB to plan a route. Sending the flight plan to avionics and ATC is not working for me.

The flight planner will load a route but not load any fuel. The Ini builds aircraft kept their own EFB’s and simbrief import but no native imports using the built in planner.

Anyone one else going a little crazy trying to use that flight planner?

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I’ve managed to save a flight plan created on my PC and load it into the EFB on my Xbox so that’s positive, as you say though, the fuel required doesn’t get calculated unless I’m missing something so I’d still need to use SimBrief to get the fuel amounts…

I did the same and that worked for me too.

What’s odd is the only place you can manually add fuel via the EFB is the (Extra - Tankering) or Taxi section. The block fuel is non editable.

Its so annoying that ini builds is not compatable for this flight planner… so we again need two solutions. SImbrief AND flight planner.


Moved to User Support Hub Aircraft & Systems that is more appropriate for community support.

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The problem is that there is a space to enter in fuel - but it’s called fuel consumption and requires you to know how much fuel the aircraft you are going to be flying consumes per hour. Once you know this and enter it in, it gives you the fuel required. This should really populate automatically when you select the aircraft that you are flying as the info is in the aircraft stats


Also, the flight planner that exists as a web based version doesn’t work on iOS devices - just saying

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Hmm I’m using it my iPad, it works ok. Did you mean phone iOS devices?

It turns out that the bar down the bottom has a very small and specific place to drag it up and so I thought it wasn’t working. They’ve taken that on board and will sort it

I tried to load more than half tanks via the EFB in the RV-8…without success. I just shut down msfs 24 and swear I won’t buy any other sequel of this game.