EGKK London Gatwick has a building sitting across taxiway L

Airport Building Across taxiway L ( Should be a Pax Skywalk above the taxiway) this effectively stops you using taxiway L in an easterly direction from North Terminal. In addition the South and North Terminals are not rendered high enough. There are also 2 High Level Control Towers only the easterly one is high level. Some of the Jetways are not attached to buildings.

This is a nice mod for egkk and is been updated often.


I too had this problem although how it occurred is still a mystery. The scenery was correct when I first installed Flight Simulator - I visited Gatwick several times - and these changes occurred subsequent to that. The attached images show where the bridge ought to be and also two control towers!
@alittlegaming Thank you for the link. Installing this has corrected the situation and given me an improved Gatwick.

No probs. Keep an eye out as it is still been updated. Its a lot better than what you get from msfs. Clear skys and smooth landings. R


Yeah Gatwick is a mess, unusable taxi way obviously the biggest issue. In addition to runway 26R/8L being used by AI aircraft as an active runway, which it isn’t.

Can’t wait for a decent 3rd party version…

There is an excellent free mod out there which is of a superb standard…at least as good as the most expensive payware 3rd party airport anywhere. I am thoroughly impressed with both the mod and the effort that has gone into making it.

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Closed as won’t fix - need correct data.