Leeds-Bradford airport in Yorkshire UK only shows up on the World Globe when the zoom level gets down to 1 mile.
This is the main airport for Yorkshire and has an equal status to Newcastle which does show up.
Smaller airfields in Yorkshire are given more prominence
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EGNM Leeds-Bradford UK does not show up on the world map until you zoom into about 3 kilometres.
Other airports such as Liverpool and Newcastle, which are of equal status to Leeds-Bradford show up as soon as you zoom into the British Isles
Ian Watson
There are a lot of airports like that. My home field (KGSO) is a major FedEx hub and the home of the HondaJet factory, but it’s only a dot until you zoom in tight.
My home airport but does it really matter? It’s there, but I use the ORBX one as it’s so much better than the default.