Egpf (23) - egbb (ils 33) pmdg 737-800 xbox

Help needed, this is a route i fly a lot and until recently i used to fly it in the basic A320 using the world map for the flight plan and no problems what so ever with the approach into EGBB (ILS 33) but now i fly it in the new PMDG 737-800 XBOX the whole flight goes without any issues that is until i try to line up for the approach etc and that’s where it all goes pear shaped, does anyone have a flight plan that i can enter into the FMC that will get me on the ground, i just can’t seem to enter it into the FMC so it works, i hope this all makes sense, i have tried to explain it as best i can

Have you tried SimBrief? You can sign up for free and get a close to real world f/plan and I think you might be able to import it directly into the 737, though I don’t fly that particular aircraft - yet.

yeah i got simbrief and navigraph, that’s where i get all my flight information from but everytime i just struggle when it comes to the approach information especially coming into EGBB ILS 33 from the north, going the other way no problem at all, it just seems to be Birmingham i am having the problem with, so annoying

If you are heading south on STAR CROF1B, which terminates at CHASE for a R33 approach you’d be looking at ILS33 with a direct pass over EGBB at 2500ft, looping south west for a bit before turning and coming back to face runway 33. This is the BHX1 transition for ILS33. BX2 transition is a tighter loop.
In between the end of the CROF1B STAR and this ILS33 approach is a gap in the flightplan (shows as a gap on Navigraph too) so you would likely see a discontinuity in the flightplan in the FMC so it’s important to remove these and make sure the end of the star joins with the start of the approach. I’m guessing you may have had a discontinuity there where the aircraft loses the LNAV path. Worth checking.

If you happen to come into ILS 15 instead (simbrief was showing R15 in use tonight although i appreciate this sim seems to flip a coin sometimes) via CEDAR transition which lines up quite well with the CROF1B STAR, just beware that it has a descending loop from 9000->2500FT which has caught me out a couple of times. Most recently in the ATR which won’t follow that descending loop, the 737 will.

this is where i think its all gone wrong, i tried to get rid of all the discontinuities and totally messed the approach up by the looks of it, will try again with how you suggested

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i have the same problem and tried to contact them with no results and now i have deleted it and just use the one that was there and i have no problems with it now , what a waste of time trying to contact them i even e mailed them with no results if anyone who knows how to contac them please send details as i’m new to this

Hi again i’m meant to say i got this addon from pyrgeegue

I have had the exact same problem today coming in from CHASE with BHX1 transition everything fine looped round for final approach to ILS33R but the runway was misaligned with the ILS the runway was to the right diagonal of my direction.