ELTs and Emergency Transponder codes

(1) ELT …

the old 121.5 units, if yiou set them off, you could hear them on the radio, even if you were not tuned anywhere near 121.5 - they were so close, the bled over the whole band.

Never tried one of the new 406 Mhz zones. Are they detectable on the Plane’s Radio ??

(2) Emergency Transponder coded

7700 Emergency
7500 Hijack
7600 Comms Failure

  • others ///

MSFS is oblivious to these discrete code. :frowning:
Would not take a lot to at least have ATC acknowledge them, rather than tell me my “Transponder appears not to be working” !!!

Maybe 3rd or 4th Quarter of 2021 that should be pushed for …

Actually, it would make a very COOL mod in 2020 !!! If any Modders have got into the Audio side of MSFS, and creating their own voice packs !!

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I think it would be really cool to get search parties trying to find a player who “crashed”. Like they could agree on a wide area, someone would spawn in a remote location and turn on the ELT. Then the others would have to find it by using their radios (or something like that). Akin to the old “fox hunting” with CB radios where one of the cars would go hide and the others would have to find it by using their equipment.


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I approve this. :joy: