EMB 110 Bandeirante

I would be interested to know if anyone has used this product before in other sims and what your thoughts are on the developer: Embraer EMB 110 Bandeirante coming soon to MSFS, by NextGen Simulations - MSFS Addons

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It’s probably too late but I would steer very clear of this plane. I’ll put it this way: Carenado planes are cheaper than this but look, function and perform a lot better. In fact, my new Carenado Seneca blows this EMB out of the water in terms of use. I would not have said that in my X-Plane days. I swore to never buy a Carenado again but they’re actually fairly decent. I have since deleted the NextGen EMB as the developer no longer responds, gives excuses for not updating and overall just refuses to help fix their creation.