Empty Navlog during French Bush Trip

Hi All,

I started the French bush trip a couple of days ago - and it’s stunning. However, I started Leg 11 today from Montpellier and the navlog is empty (although it does show the destination airport ICAO so it is possible to navigate direct but that is not the point of the bush trip)!

I did Leg 11 hoping it was just a one-off glitch but Leg 12 was the same - empty Navlog.

Has anyone come across this issue? I did come right out of MSFS and reload the game but the same problem.

Any help appreciated.

I will of course raise a Zandesk ticket if no one else has had this issue…

Hi there - I have exactly the same issue! Quite strange though… as well did you notice that in Montpellier the sun is setting so I guess the rest of the trip would be in the night!? Which for me does not make any sense either since one will not see a thing!
Could anyone please resolve the issue!?

Did you enable developer mode? Restarting your previous leg might fix it.

No Dev Mode has always been disabled - I successfully finished the previous leg - however this still extends into the setting sun… I might try though

Ok - I did a re-flight of leg 10 an voila it worked - now leg 11 has a Nav Log and its during the day :slight_smile:

I do have the very same issue, but not with the French Bush Trip but with Perfect Flight France and Benelux. I wanted to start the leg from Houssen.

Another issue is the (VFR!) flight starts at night.

I can switch to day using an instructor station (FS-FlightControl) but the Navlog is still empty. I had this already yesterday and repeated the previous leg using a set of saved files from the MISSION directory. This way, I was able to repeat the leg to Houssen. However, when I wanted to start from Houssen today, the Navlog was again empty.

I opened a ticket with Perfect Flight, but I am afraid the issue is with the base Simulator.

For all those with the same issue, here is a workaround:

Navlog empy - Archives / Bugs & Issues - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

See the last entry (#8) by @Pasdrom. Copy the missing [OriginalFlightPlan] block from one of the backup files to the active one. This works for me.

It would be very welcome if Asobo could fix this issue which has been reported numerous times now, as I found during a search.

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