End of Almalence digital Lens plugin for Pimax Crystal

End of Almalence plugin today (March 15th 2024)? :frowning:


Sad day for Crystal pilots.
As MSFS doesn’t support QuadViews and Dynamic Foveated Rendering implementation via OpenXR Toolkit provides only moderate FPS gains at the cost of visual artifacts (shimmer) at the edges of the resolution rings, the eye tracking feature of Pimax Crystal will be no longer beneficial for me and I’m going to turn it off.

After the last Asobo/Microsoft developer video, when Martial rather bluntly responded to the request to fix one of the VR bugs - the VR view reset at the end of the flight (he claimed that he was not able to reproduce it, which shows that he is not flying/testing in VR much) I don’t have high hopes for VR improvements in MSFS 2024 (QuadViews which is super beneficial in DCS, offering huge FPS boost).

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Sad indeed for us VR folks!

Can’t reproduce it? Who is Martial?

That bug is going to give someone a seizure one of these days.