Engine stops by itself

I found these instances when engine stops unexpectedly.

Engine of Dahar propeller stops before taking off after sits for a while on the runway in the beginning.
Engine of any aircraft may stop if I put on active pause for a while and resume.
Engine of 787 stops in mid flight and then resumes by itself after a while.

I use outside view. Not sure if outside view causes this.
Anyone sees this too?

It’s likely because you have the mixture control mapped to your controller. While those planes don’t use it, if it’s mapped, it will shut down your engine.


I had a similar problem. After trying to find a solution I had to reinstall MSFS. Now what happens is planes rudder turns to the left when I connect the AP. :man_facepalming:t2:

Crunchmeister71 said it right. I unmap the mixture from the controller and the plane no longer stalls

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I am having a similar problem with a Cessna 172 and I already removed controller references to Mixture. Any other suggestions? I am running the latest code on a powerful PC with excellent frame rates.

I have a similar situation. As a beginner I start flying Cessna 152. Each time after landing, and my throttle is pulled back to almost 0, the engine would stop on the runway. The on-screen message says hit ctrl+e to start engine but it no longer starts at all.

In the case of the 152 and the 172, you DO want a mixture axis mapped as those planes have those controls. If you don’t want Mixture mapped to them, then enable Auto-Mixture in the Assistance Settings.

Having same issue but engines die soon as hit fly dont matter what plane or type… anyone have ideas on that??? MSFS 2020, computer is capable of handling the sim no issues… was working fine and all sudden now ever freaking plane u pick the engines die soon as u start mission and wont restart, if at a parking they just wont start up for ya…. Was working 2 days ago now cant figure it out and have uninstalled and reloaded it… suggestions or ideas if anyone has any, thanks in advance

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Are you having that issue only with missions/bush trips and not with regular flights ?

One of my controllers had the magnetos assigned, and they were in the ‘Off’ position. The engine switched off as soon as I hit the Fly button.

Just posting in this old thread in case someone runs into the same problems.

The H.O.T.A.S x52 stopped being updated….and finding out that Logitech no longer supports the X52……I Replaced the controller with a new Thrustmaster….problem solved….engines no longer shut down after a few minutes.