We’re back at the USA cross country in the A2A comanche. Make sure to check the maintenance before taking off since its been a month and get ready for a relaxed flight through Oklahoma. Join us in the Event voice chat in the MSFS discord in this week’s Adventure Through the Skies (ATTS).
Flight plan (Little Navmap/MSFS): EP 161 Cross Country Solo - Leg 11.pln - Google Drive
We will begin our flight at 00OK - Gull Bay Landing Airport
Multiplayer Info:
Server: South East Asia
All Players
Traffic: At your Discretion
Weather & Time: Live Weather (or at your discretion)
Aircraft: A2A Comanche 250, G36 Bonanza or other cruising at ~125Kts (+/- 10kts).
Flight Time Scheduled to 2024-08-22T23:00:00Z → 2024-08-23T01:00:00Z
See you there!
Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/flyingcookie6508
MSFS Discord: https://discord.gg/msfs - Look for Group Flight/Podcast voice channel