EPIC Approach Procedures – STAR, RNAV, ILS, LOC, VOR DME, ADF, Visual

Hi All,

Thought it would be good to start a collection of approach procedures that are challenging to fly and/or particularly scenic etc. Add any you know of, or better still that you’ve flown in MFS. SIDs too if they’re also challenging/fun to fly.

I’ll post one to get it started. We should end up with a good collection of the more ‘famous’ ones and unknown ones that we’ve discovered. A good resource for flights with new approaches to attempt.

Tips: If you don’t have a Navigraph subscription then use Chartfox.org for free charts (with Vatsim login, also free). The MFS default nav database can have errors so check the waypoints and any altitude restrictions with the chart and follow the chart closely when flying (to avoid flying into the side of a mountain!). The Navigraph nav update for MFS can help with fixing errors and adding any missing approaches.

To increase the challenge you can do one or more of: set weather to IMC conditions (custom/preset) with base of weather just above approach minimums (MDA/DH). If using autopilot, fly using HDG and VS modes instead of NAV/LNAV and VNAV or fly manually without autopilot engaged (with or without flight directors)

Procedure name: RNAV Y RWY 05 (or Rwy 23) plus RNAV STAR RWY 05

Airport: NZQN, Queenstown

Location: New Zealand

Epic aspects: Multiple step downs through a 180’ descending turn through the mountains and a last minute align with the runway. Even more epic when combined with the STAR with step downs from FL170.

Comments/tips: Great to fly in VMC for the scenery but also IMC for the challenge. As normal, keep speed under control and if using autopilot, don’t forget to engage Approach mode by OMUBO (FAF).



Or Rwy 23

Video (IRL)


KCCR LDA RWY 19R (what is an LDA approach?)


KMCE LOC BC RWY 12 (ever wonder what the “BC” button on the AP is for?






KOSH NDB RWY 36 - Oshkosh!


These may not be “epic” but many of these approaches are quickly disappearing as RNAV/GPS becomes ubiquitous.

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MHTG RNAV 02 (South)

Airport: Toncontin International Airport, Honduras

Details: 360’ descending turn into a valley with a last minute visual 90’ turn to the runway with low terrain clearance. Also a detailed airport in MFS.

Comments: Follow chart closely in case navdata is not accurate in MFS. Set IMC weather down to Decision Height for extra challenge.

MHTG RNAV 02 South

Video (IRL)


The funny thing about all the RNP procedures shown above, is that because they are required to be flown with the autopilot in LNAV/VNAV (or equivalent), and have extremely tight lateral and vertical tolerances, they are not actually very ‘difficult’ to fly at all.

Here’s a great one to try. Especially with manual flight in a steam gauge cockpit only👍.

Aspen is also a great one to try, a LOC approach with a backcourse missed approach. (This assumes MSFS has finally fixed the bug with non runway aligned LOC signals.)

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MHTG is utterly epic! When last did you fly this as a lot of the waypoints are no longer there in FS2020? I used to fly the landing challenge with the VFR map on so that you could follow them, was the only way to find the runway! And the RNAV procedure has a weird layout too now. The big building at the opposite end of the runway has been fixed though

Yeah it’s a good one. I flew that one a while ago but i think the R249 waypoint is wrong and might send you towards a mountain. So you can fly it by skipping that waypoint. I think the waypoint altitude restrictions were adequate. Either way, fly with reference to the real chart. I also flew it manually with no autopilot and in IMC conditions to minimums which was a challenge :wink:

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It looks as if they stripped out some waypoints in FS. I flew Queenstown again last night and for once the ATC height vectoring was good but the track is also a bit squiggly. I love flying from Queenstown to Milford Sound in real weather. It has to be one the best smaller airports in FS and the scenery is just gob smacking, VFR only though. Another favourite is Rio SBRJ 02R but the FS a320 autopilot messes it up on the approach and you have to handfly it. Bit too short for an a320 though.

My other favourite is Innsbruck because it is tricky and the Alps are just eye ball poppingly beautiful. London City is great too as it is tricky and short and near my home:-)

Yeah Queenstown / Milford is great scenery. As well as Innsbruck in the Alps. That SBRJ approach looks great. Will check it out.

As a relative novice to these kind of approaches I found the approach to runway 27at Aosta LIMW to be enjoyable. Its only a short flight from Turin LIMF



Airport: Tivat, Montenegro

Details: VOR DME initial approach fix to NDB approach with DME missed approach point to visual approach with DME final approach turn

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SKMD - Medellin, RNAV approach to runway 20! Pretty cool and challenging landing in a valley!


Airport: Kai Tak International Airport, Hong Kong (old airport, freeware available)

Details: Famous ‘checkerboard’ approach using IGS (instrument guidance system) approach with checkerboard visual marker and late final sharp turn to runway.

Comments: Tune IGS frequency for LOC and GS guidance. Don’t turn final too late. Follow ground lead-in lights after checkerboard. Most fun/challenging with 747. And dial in some crosswind.

Real life video

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