Error message, "not enough disk space"

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Brief description of the issue:

When trying to launch game I get a message, “not enough disk space”. Evidently there is an update that will not install

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Windows 10 64bit, i7 12700K, 64GB RAM, RTX 3080 Ti video card, C:/ drive is 1TB with 371GB free space [where the update error points], D:/ drive is 2TB with 1.53TB free space [Community and Official folders containing 285GB of MSFS game files are on D:/ drive]

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

Started May 4, 2023 [the only number I have access to]

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Why don’t you change the install path to your D: drive?

Thank you.

MSFSRonS, I have had the drive path to D: drive since the game was released in 2020, no problems until today.

Also, the address used for this error is on C:/ drive, so there should be no conflict.

If you had MSFS installed on D to begin with, then I would close the sim down, and double check that path, as it looks like you are about to embark on an un-needed re-install of MSFS into the default path.

For example, my sim is installed on my D drive. If I open the following file, you can see that path listed:


InstalledPackagesPath "D:\Flight Simulator"

I would double check your path, shut the sim down, follow that link, and edit that line to match where your existing MSFS install is located.

No conflict, but as I say you are going to be pulling down potentially hundreds of GB’s for no reason.

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Having some trouble trying to install the game overall and I need some help. I’ve tried following some instructions on several different forums from steam and this website but none have worked. It only keeps saying that I do not have enough space on my current drive on my pc. Can someone help please thank you!