Eurofighter speedbrake?

Wherz the speedbrake?? This monster is hard to slow down for landings

I think it’s bugged. I can’t get the engines below 20%. Can’t shut them off either.

Ya, I think it’s bugged as well.
You’ll notice that when it’s doing that, you can’t kick on afterburners either, as you normally could.

I take it this is a 3rd party mod ? well… Then as stated multiple times before… the 3rd party will shortly (i hope) come out with an update…

It is 3rd party, yes.
And, hopefully they will.

It’s already been updated.

I got an email from Sim Market about the update download being ready on Wednesday.

In which case I assume this can be considered resolved/closed ?

Topic moved into #third-party-addon-discussion:aircraft

Alrighty thanks :+1:

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