European Airshow in FS 2020?

Hello Simmers

I wondered if some good European Pilots wanted to fly an Virtual Airshow in Flight Simulator?
Are there Groups who do this sometimes in the Sim?
I really would like to see an Event of Pilots which show their Skills.
Maybe one Day some Pilots meet each other at an Airfield and show their Formation Flights and Solo Displays at Flight Simulator, like a Virtual Fly-In at an Airfield with an Airshow.
And all spectator Pilots lands with their Planes at the Airfield to watch the Show.
What do you Guys think about this?

There were several events in the last year ( Oshkosh, a show at key west etc.)
But I would really like to see the ā€œDittinger Flugtageā€ at LSPD within the sim. Tarmac runways ar nice and good, but take off and landing with warbirds on that carrier like grassfield surrounded by trees is another story :sweat_smile:

Off topic: I always had to grin when I saw your nickname in the sim :rofl:

Yeah, a Airshow at Dittingen whould be great.
Kommst du aus der Schweiz? Are you from Switzerland?

Yes, from Laufen (next to dittingen)

Komme auch aus der Schweiz, und habe die Dittinger Flugtage auch viel besucht. Eine Flugshow wĆ¼rde ich dort sehr gerne mal im Flight Simulator sehen

sounds greatā€¦just organise it.

Ja dachte ich mir schon, allein schon vom Namen XD
Nun, ich bin immer wieder Ć¼ber meinem Heimatflugplatz am Displays Ć¼ben, aber ein Ofizielles Event wƤre schon nice. Es sollte aber so was wie ein Programmablauf erstellt werden, bei den Beiden die ich erwƤhnt habe flog jeder wann und wie er wollte, ohne zu schauen was die Anderen machen, was ziemlich schade war.

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