Evektor SportsStar for MSFS?

I’ll be flying (in real life) the Evektor SportsStar this weekend. Does anyone know if this aircraft is available for MSFS (or a similar aircraft)? I’d like to get a little familiar with it before I do it for real.

#evektor #sportstar #lesgainous #availableformsfs

Nothing yet for MS2020. Hope someone does one soon. Flown in RL & it is the best aircraft I have flown. You will love it.

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It looks like you have great visibility.

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stumbled here since i few it for the first time yesterday, holy batman what a beautiful bird to fly. I have about 30+ hrs in a C172, but this just changed my view. I hope there is one here in MSFS, i really want to do some chair flying and get used to the console

The JMB VL-3 may be somewhat similar (low wing side-by-side seating, Rotax 912 100 HP). Note that the VL-3 has retractable gear, which the SportStar does not.

It also doesn’t have an autopilot by default, but I think there’s a mod that can add it.

I have almost 100 hours on the Sport Cruiser and a few on the Sport Star. They look and fly very similarly.
For performance and flight characteristics I would recommend the Robin DR400. It’s very close.
The cockpit layout will be different but that’s a minor detail.

The VL-3 is much too fast.

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Doesn’t really compare with a C172. You can barely legally fit 2 grown adults and 50% fuel.

Evektor Sportstar empty weight is around 350 kg while the MTOW is 600 kg.
Two average adults would be around 150-160 kg and a full tank about 90 kg of fuel.

I would say it’s possible to stay under 600 kg with two adults and a full tank.

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Another similar light plane with a good MSFS add-on is the TL Ultralight Sting S4.

FSReborn modeled it on the European 450kg version i think, but the real plane’s 450kg and 600kg versions are very similar and you can push more weight on it without trouble. :slight_smile:

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That’s very small males or females. I would say two average full grown man, including some clothing, basic equipment etc. is closer to 190-200kg.

Maybe in the US where everybody is overweight :slight_smile:
In the EASA the standard weights are 88 kg for male passengers, 71 kg for female and 80 kg for all adults.
I also found this: " The 2021-22 survey concludes that the mean value of all passengers is 76.3 kg. The carry-on weight is on average 7.7 kg." These are with cloth on obviously.
So it’s fair to say the a truly average passenger with baggage is about 85 kg.
Two passengers are 170 kg, you then have 80 kg for fuel. That’s almost a full tank.

I speak from personal experience. I’m 190cm and 95kg, and most of my friends are similar in weight. The artificial 600kg limit has always been an issue. Another is the CG limits, which you can exceed even when inside the MTOW. Of course all these small airplanes fly perfectly fine (unless it’s a super hot day) with MTOW exceeded by 10% or so. The main danger is damaging the landing gear while taxiing on uneven surfaces, which you mostly have considering you don’t fly this kind of aircraft on well-maintained international airfields. The airplanes themselves are very fragile because they need to shave off weight on anything they can (like the landing gear struts).

200kg = 440 lbs. I do live in the US, and don’t personally know anyone that heavy. What part of the country are you from?

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Note you’re answering a post that says this:

“I would say two average full grown man, including some clothing, basic equipment etc. is closer to 190-200kg.”

so that 440 lbs covers two people, not one. If you include adult men in many countries you’ll have no trouble finding people who weigh 220 pounds.

My mistake, I withdraw the comment.

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