Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) gauge in both the C172 Glass and steam variants reads 0. EGT displays work in other aircraft

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Brief description of the issue:

Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) gauge in both the C172 Glass and steam variants reads 0. EGT works in other aircraft.

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Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Load C172 with engine running.

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I just noticed this after update 10.

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Hi @Scet1821
I can only test on the PC, but it’s working there on the 172/ WT G1000NXi model (edit: see below for standard gauge 172).
That said, I’m not sure what the temperature scale is on the gauge, since at startup, the needle tends to sit on the far left side. However, once flying the needle will move up into the middle area. It does go quickly down when I throttle back all the way, but starts climbing again if I push the throttle up.
So it may be that the temperature of the “far left side” of the gauge is fairly high and the needle doesn’t register until the temp is fairly high.
P.S. Did a test on the steam gauge version of the 172, and it takes a while at full throttle while on the ground to get the needle to move up, but it does move. This version of the gauge shows the temp is divided into 25C divisions, but doesn’t show what the lowest temp it registers actually is, so still don’t know how hot it has to be to actually register while on the ground. But it did move up while sitting if I ran full throttle for a while.
Just some thoughts!

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I am on a PC, not Xbox, so I cannot replicate this completely.
However, the OP may wish to remove any add-ons and retest, as they indicated that they did not remove their add-ons before logging this.

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I am on PC and cannot reproduce issue.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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I tested on Xbox and the EGT gauge worked normally. Tested in the 172 G1000 variant.
Please remove any add ons if haven’t already and try to reproduce. Thank you!

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Given you have not disabled your Mods, step one would be to clear your Community folder, restart the sim and see if the problem persists.

Given that I am on an Xbox, clearing my Community Folder isn’t possible. This seems to have started after update 10.

Then disable your addons via the Content Manager :+1: