Exit runway ASAP!

Yeah I saw this lol

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When I started out it was single player offline. So you had the whole world for yourself. Nowadays when I go multiplayer online I try not to ruin other people´s experience by behaving like a moron - obviously an alien concept to many.

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Oh my dog… that is HILARIOUS!!!

I think this attitude would fit in better on AVSIM than here. Now get off my lawn!

Not often that I say LOL even less that I actually do but massive LOLLERS at this. Genius!

Integrates what though? Do people think there will be a seperate area for people who are seriously minded - or whatever that means anyway…

Open world MMO’s generally don’t work that way. If somebody is causing an issue then you block them, simple as.

I think asking for a feature to hide groups of players based on say skill or behaviour in a sim in my experience rarely would happen unless the control / user experience means group of players would have an unfair advantage like perhaps Elite Dangerous does keeping PC and Console players apart.

And you seem very alien to the concept of others not being like you and having fun in different ways…

LIghten up a little :slight_smile:

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Isn’t it a big hit to realism to spawn anywhere? At the gate, on the runway, etc
To get real we should have a driving sim to drive the the airport, go through security, check in and post your flight plan, etc etc etc.

Pancaking an Airbus onto a departing Cessna and cartwheeling a 747 along the runway is the kind of “fun” I expect in GTA5 Online where I get ganked by spoiled rich Chinese brats with nicks like IlIlIl3IlIlIl34065.
But you prove the point that in its current state with its arcadeish partial panel aircraft MSFS2020 is not a flight simulator but more a “Grand Theft Airplane”.

it’ll never happen MP is arcadeish and always will be best thing to do for serious simmers is to just use RL or AI traffic. or have private server where the admin could have full control over the server but then that would be GTA RP.

For now just pretend that they dont exist and go thru them.

a good thing would be create a flight plane before you join and stop runway spawns all together in MP mode.

Yes, again it is all about your expectations.

Just turn off Live mode and be happy. All of your problems solved.

By the way, I am not proving any of your points. Your silly GTA comparison is just being grumpy and toxic and ridiculous.

Funny how serious simmers can enjoy the current product (minus the bugs) and not come here and vent.

But have it your way. I am done with this. Just pointless.

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I have no idea how to respond to this. The phrase, “Grow up,” seems appropriate.

I’m working in the flying industry and I’m not a casual player, yet, this is still a game.
Stop beeing elitist


Nah… I won’t stop just because you say so… but… whatever floats your boat chief…
OK pumpkin???

If you even make it to the runway. Used to do FiveM stuff on GTA, and half the servers always have that one player who tries to act like they’re in Ace Combat and shoot at people, especially those on runway approach.

That being said, there needs to be an integrated communications system so players can talk to each other.