Experience with Tiny11?


Lately, I have been reading some articles about the lightweight Windows 11 version called Tiny11. Due to very low system requirements, I wonder if this would have any advantage for MSFS.

Currently, I am downloading the ISO image and want to try this first on a virtual machine.

Did anyone already try this out or have any experience?


I have also read about it. If you can run MSFS that would be interesting. Please let us know how you go. :alien:

Please report back on your experience with it. I’m on the cusp of getting a new dedicated Pac for my cockpit. If this works, I’d consider going this route as the computer will never have anything other than MSFS and required add-ons.

Seems like a lot of “unusual” or scam locations are popping up for downloading the new Win11 tiny edition. I have tested a few and found the files to be not downloadable or download times are in excess of 1 hour
 Still searching for a Safe Download Location for tiny11 to test MSFS with.
Edit: If tiny11 is truly available, why is it not showing up on a Official Microsoft Download Site ?
If it is there, I cannot seem to find it.

Because it’s not an official MS product.

From what I understand, someone went through WIn 11 and stripped all the extraneous garbage, services, software, and all the “Windows call home” built-in tracking and spyware and created this light version of Windows 11 that can run on a potato.

OH, I did not know that
 Thank you !
So this is not an official MS product. I get it now

OK, change of plan for me. I’ll just continue using my locally stripped down version of Win 11.
I just took out everything (apps like MS Office, photo editing, web dev and other stuff) and removed everything but North America from the MSFS to include all of the “extra aircraft liveries” and it loads pretty promptly.

Slowly making careful progress.
I installed Tiny11 on a virtual VMWARE Player machine.
This went smoothly it occupies about 10gB.
I was able to run the official Microsoft updates and at this moment I am installing MSFS 2020.
As soon as I have more results, I will post but until now “so far, so good”.


Beware of any site that offers you Tiny11 for download, because it will probably be a virus-laden fake. The creator of Tiny11 does not have a Web site for it or an official download page because Microsoft would DMCA it into oblivion. You can get the ISO for it via torrent or archive.org. I won’t post the link for obvious reasons.

While I appreciate the idea behind it, reportedly Tiny11 breaks a lot of stuff and I would be very surprised if Microsoft didn’t make significant efforts to make sure its own software doesn’t work properly with it (or at the very least not do anything to support you when it goes wrong). We remember the days of ‘not done until DRDOS won’t run’.

There are ways available to turn off many of the things in Win11 that people find objectionable like telemetry. You can black-hole the domains that Windows uses to phone home, although that can break a few things. You can disable services permanently. You can, to a limited extent, block forced updates (although IMHO that’s a bad idea) and auto-reboots.

If your concern is performance / RAM, you can definitely reduce the memory footprint of Win11 by turning off services and uninstalling any bundled apps that yours came with. Though honestly the best way to deal with a RAM shortage is to buy more RAM. If your concern is the size of Win11 on disk, then again, I would suggest the best option is to buy more storage, because TBs are relatively cheap these days.

If it’s more of a ‘just because I can’ or an on-principle kind of exercise, then fair enough
 but be aware of what you’re getting yourself into. I used to install Slackware back in the day and that’s more than enough self-inflicted pain for one lifetime for me :slight_smile:

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Exactly what I found and why I quickly abandoned the entire idea once I realized Tiny11 was not a Microsoft product.

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