Exploring the world in the Beechcraft Bonanza

Leg 197, Atuona, French Polynesia via Republic of Kiribati to Pahala, Hawaii

DAY03_07.PLN (3.9 KB)

The longest leg yet, 2,523 NM, with the longest single stretch, nearly 1200 NM, pushing the limits of the Bonanza.

03-06 Atuona NTMN 10:00 AM
03-06 Ua Pou NTMP 10:28 AM
03-06 Ua-Huka NTMU 10:47 AM
03-06 Nuku-Hiva NTMD 11:09 AM 1196nm next min 16.16 nmpg
17% mixture FL75 55F 2426 rpm IAS 126 TAS 142 GS 154 1162.0 rt 40.00 14 knot tailwind
17% mixture FL75 55F 2426 rpm IAS 127 TAS 144 GS 157 827.0 rt 23.98 15 knot tailwind 20.9 nmpg
17% mixture FL75 55F 2426 rpm IAS 127 TAS 144 GS 157 823.0 lt 36.60 15 knot tailwind
17% mixture FL75 55F 2426 rpm IAS 128 TAS 145 GS 155 299.0 lt 11.65 11 knot tailwind 21.0 nmpg
18% mixture FL75 55F 2426 rpm IAS 137 TAS 155 GS 164 292.0 rt 23.77 11 knot tailwind
18% mixture FL75 55F 2426 rpm IAS 137 TAS 155 GS 166 120.0 rt 14.10 14 knot tailwind 17.8 nmpg
03-06 Banana Village PLBA 6:48 PM 62.02 gallons used, 19.3 nmpg, 156.3 knots
03-06 Cassidy Intl PLCH 6:57 PM
03-06 Tabuaeran Island PLFA 7:55 PM
03-06 Washington Island Airstrip PLWN 8:38 PM 2 attempts 910nm next min 12.3 nmpg
19% mixture FL120 40F 2436 rpm IAS 132 TAS 160 GS 151 862.0 rt 40.00 16 knot headwind
19% mixture FL120 40F 2436 rpm IAS 132 TAS 160 GS 153 735.0 rt 30.00 12 knot headwind 12.7 nmpg
19% mixture FL120 40F 2436 rpm IAS 132 TAS 161 GS 157 660.0 rt 24.25 10 knot crosswind 13.0 nmpg
19% mixture FL120 40F 2436 rpm IAS 132 TAS 161 GS 157 660.0 lt 33.75 10 knot crosswind
19% mixture FL120 39F 2436 rpm IAS 132 TAS 160 GS 161 579.0 lt 27.70 7 knot crosswind 13.4 nmpg
19% mixture FL120 41F 2436 rpm IAS 133 TAS 161 GS 171 419.0 lt 16.21 10 knot tailwind 13.9 nmpg
Divert to Pahala Aistrip HI28 (no data for Kaalaika HI25)
19% mixture FL120 41F 2436 rpm IAS 133 TAS 161 GS 184 379.0 rt 20.79 27 knot tailwind
19% mixture FL120 41F 2436 rpm IAS 133 TAS 162 GS 183 217.0 rt 10.98 30 knot half tailwind 16.5 nmpg
19% mixture FL120 41F 2436 rpm IAS 133 TAS 162 GS 183 217.0 lt 15.90 30 knot half tailwind
19% mixture FL120 41F 2436 rpm IAS 134 TAS 163 GS 171 120.0 lt 9.37 19 knot crosswind 14.9 nmpg
03-07 Pahala Airstrip HI28 2:33 AM 67.5 gallons used, 917nm, 13.6 nmpg, 155.0 knots

Flight time 16:33 8 stops

Departure from Atuona at dawn

Climbing over an the unnamed mountain on Hiva Oa, to 3,000 ft

Hanaui Bay on the other side of the island


Approaching Ua Pou

Hakahau, main village and port of the island of Ua Pou

Sunrise over Ua Pou

Aneou Airstrip

Beautiful approach in the morning sun

Ua Pou and the airstrip at Aneou

Leaving Uo Pou on to Ua-Huka

Ua-Huka island

Ua Huka Airport

So different island to island


Anaho bay

Nuku Hiva Airport

Nuku Hiva with Tiki Tuhiva in the middle and Vaipo Waterfall on the right

Nuku Hiva departure, 7.5 hour flight ahead

7,500ft cruising altitude at 17% fuel mixture and 2426 rpm, giving me over 10h flight time

More than enough with 11 knot tailwind speeding me up to 154 knots ground speed

Checking back in a couple hours later, tailwind increased, now going 157 knots

Managing around 21 nautical miles per gallon, 1,500 nm range

Another couple hours later, increased the mixture to 18%

164 knots ground speed, slightly less tailwind

Got to check all the instruments new and then :crazy_face: purring along nicely

Kiritimati in sight, on the display that is

Kiritimati island part of the Republic of Kiribati

Landing at Aeon Field military airfield, called Banana village in game

Flight time 7:39, 1196nm, 62.02 gallons used, avg 19.3 nautical miles per gallon at 156.3 knots

Kiritimati island is a strange place

Cassidy International Airport

The Republic of Kiribati is a drowning paradise

The weather is turning on me on the way to Tabueran Island

Hmm, rather tumultuous out here

Down to 300ft to catch a glimpse of Tabueran

A little break over the lagoon

Gnarly landing in a thunderstorm on the chalk outline airstrip

In better weather

If I had a license it would be revoked for attempting to take off in this

It took a while to climb above the clouds

Just in time to start my descent down to Washington Island

Ahh, that’s where those upside down rainbows in Death Stranding come from

Washington Island, down to 300ft again to get a glimpse

The airstrip, the thunderstorm rages on

Another gnarly landing, skidding over the runway. Luckily it’s a wide one

Wind, very wet runway, I did the equivalent of a hand brake turn to turn around, unintentionally

Perfect weather for a long distance flight to Hawaii…

Climbing to 12,000ft to stay out of the clouds

Barely high enough but I don’t want to go higher and risk icing

Some wispy clouds up here, no problem, settling in at FL120, 19% mixture
Slight headwind this time, 151 ground speed despite burning more fuel, just over 6 hour range

The winds changed in my favor, speeding up to 161 knots ground speed

Another cloud layer appeared above me, lightning all around

It’s getting darker, keeping my eyes peeled to catch the sunset

There it is, briefly showing up between the cloud layers

Still a long way to go, it’s going to be dark very soon

Into the night, still flashes all around

There she is, island of Hawi’i aka the big island

Pahala Airstrip Approach, this will be landing by screen again

Pahala Airstrip, safely on the ground
5:55 flight time, 917nm, 67.5 gallons used, on average 13.6 nautical miles per gallon at 155.0 knots

It is theoretically possible to reach LA in the Bonanza from here, in game that is. By (ab)using the ground effect and quirks of running with ultra lean fuel
That only works with calm water, no waves for a 21 hour flight to cover the distance at avg 100 knots.

1200nm already wasn’t realistic for the Bonanza (rated 920nm range) but thanks to the quirks of running leaner fuel mixture without the danger of overheating the virtual engine it works. However I’ll be heading back west after exploring Hawaii and cross over to North America via Alaska later.