Exploring the world in the Beechcraft Bonanza

Leg 205, Momoto, Manus Island to Teptep, Papua New Guinea

DAY03_15.PLN (15.3 KB)

Still bad performance problems but with lower draw distance it survives the worst areas, slow but playable. Hopefully a fix will come soon. Luckily it didn’t take away from the awesomeness that’s Papua New Guinea. Amazing terrain to fly around in. Long marathon flight today, many stops, many challenging landings, lots of fun.

03-14 Momote AYMO 2:02 PM
03-14 Bali BAJ 3:14 PM Drone cam landing
03-14 Talasea AYVL 3:39 PM Drone cam landing
03-14 Hoskins AYHK 3:52 PM
03-14 Bili AYKE 4:13 PM Tricky landing
03-14 Uvol AYUZ 4:26 PM Runway cut off by low res water polygon
03-14 Asirim ASZ 4:40 PM Sim still falling behind, bad stuttering
03-14 Gasmata Island AYLJ 4:51 PM
03-14 Kiriwina AYKA 5:39 PM
03-14 Guasopa GPA 6:21 PM
03-14 Misima AYMS 6:49 PM
03-14 Panasesa Airstrip AYSC 7:11 PM
03-14 Sehulea SEH 7:35 PM
03-14 Esa’ala ESA 7:43 PM
03-14 Salamo SAO 7:49 PM
03-14 Vivigani VIV 8:05 PM
03-14 Cape Vogel CVL 8:18 PM
03-14 Raba Raba RBP 8:28 PM
03-14 Nowata NWT 8:33 PM
03-14 Param PPX 8:44 PM
03-14 Agaun AUP 8:51 PM
03-14 Boure AYPP 9:14 PM
03-14 Safia SFA 9:19 PM
03-14 Uroubi AYUE 9:26 PM Short runway
03-14 Namudi NDI 9:34 PM
03-14 Dorobisoro DOO 9:49 PM Short runway, high trees, sideslip landing
03-14 Jacksons AYPY Port Moresby Capital 10:10 PM Bad performance, heavy stuttering
03-14 Ononge ONB 10:44 PM 2 attempts, go around, short runway on a steep ridge
03-14 Woitape WTP Zero visibily, can’t spot the ground, skip
03-14 Kosipe KSP 10:58 PM
03-14 Sopu AYQO Zero visibility, tree tops only, skip
03-14 Kerau KRU 11:14 PM 2 attempts, touch 'n go, short runway
03-14 Guari AYGF 11:29 PM 2 attempts, go around, no landing downslope
03-14 Kakoro (Koroko) Airstrip KOR 11:44 PM
03-14 Tekadu AYTZ 11:51 PM
03-15 Wau AYWU 12:07 AM
03-15 Bulolo AYBU 12:14 AM
03-15 Nadzab AYNZ 12:41 AM
03-15 Baindoung BDZ 12:51 AM
03-15 Yawan AYYW 1:06 AM Go around to land uphill, very steep runway, weird ground effect
03-15 Sapmanga SMH 1:11 AM Steep runway
03-15 Bunguwat Airstrip AYUT 1:33 AM 5 attempts, weather moved in
03-15 Isan Airstrip AYIS 1:44 AM Steep runway
03-15 Tep Tep AYTP 1:52 AM Steep runway

Flight time 11:50 43 stops

Starting in the dark, DST moved me a timezone ahead. First stop at Ulnea Island

High exposure in drone cam to be able to spot the ground

Bali Airport on Ulnea island

Same at Talasea, dawn approaching

Lalivelo ahead

Hoskins airport, New Britain, enough light now to land with normal visuals

Sunrise at Kaiko

Bili Airport at Pokapuna


Coming in over the Amgen river

To land at Asirim Airport

Departure from Gasmata island

Kiriwina Island

Misima island

Panasesa island part of the Lousiade Archipelago

Beautiful place to go diving

Sehulea, Normanby Island

Ese’ala Airport. Fergusson island in the distance

Ilamu island, the little one below, part of the Barrier islands

Flying over Vivigani on Goodenough island

I guess naming it Goodenough is at least more original than placing new in front of an existing name…

Mt. Oiautukekea (8,320ft) aka Mount Vineuo, the highest peak in the D’Entrecasteaux Islands

Rabaraba, arriving at the main island of Papua New Guinea, New Guinea island

New Guinea is the second largest island in the world (after Greenland)

Nowata Airport

Flying up Mount Simpson (6,047ft)


Param Airport in Nepesi below

Agaun Station near Gisem

Crossing the Tavenei river

Mount Suckling in the distance

Mount Suckling or Goropi is the highest peak of the Goropu Mountains at 12,060ft

part of the Owen Stanley Range in south-eastern Papua New Guinea

Boure Airport

Moni River

Another tough climb at Sibia

Barely clearing the tree tops at Oidobu

Up high over Dorobisoro on the other side of the mountain range

Only to dive back down again to land at Dorobisoro Airstrip

Rounda 2 Hydro, the river missing on both Google and Bing maps

Jacksons International Airport at Port Moresby

Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea on the Coral Sea

Port Moresby Nature Park hosting many unique bird species

A peek inside Papua New Guinea National Museum and Art Gallery

Flying back into the mountains at Sigufe

Ononge Airport, took a second attempt, luckily easy to fly on to go around

There are hardly any roads through here, hence all the airstrips

Approaching Kosipe after skipping Woitape due to visibility

On to Supu, dodging the weather

Supu approach, hmm, no visibility here either near the ground

Kerau Approach

After a touch 'n go, stuck the second landing attempt at Kerau Airport

Gauri station at the bottom left

Took a second attempt again, landing down slope just keeps the plane going with the ground effect

On to Kakoro

Kakoro (Koroko) Airstrip

Hamata, Hidden Valley Mine

A gold and silver mining operation high in the mountains

Taking off from Bulolo, a paved runway, luxury

Bulolo on the edge of McAdam National Park

Mount Shungol (9,029ft) part of the Herzog Mountain Range

Quite an interesting landscape

Nadzab Airport serving Lae, the capital of Morobe Province andsecond-largest city in Papua New Guinea

Baindoung Airport

Nearly all the runways are sloped here and getting steeper

Sapmanga, had to go around to land on this very steep runway

The ground effect is weird, still veering me back up while not really slowing the plane down

Bungawat, the clouds were moving in fast while landing. I had to abort and power out.

Then followed many missed attempts to find the runway again.

Finally, down at Bungawat airport, should have just skipped it haha, dog with a bone.

Satisfying to finally get it down though, using little navmap to compare and adjust my approach until it was perfectly lined up with the short runway.

Isan Airstrip, who turned the difficulty up to 11

It cleared up on my second approach, another steep one, parking brake or roll back down

Last one Tep Tep Airport, clouds chasing me trying to hide this one as well

Just in time and very much time to quit

Airport hopping through Papua New Guinea is incredible. They are just a few minutes apart and never a boring landing. More fun tomorrow!