Leg 209, Baganga, Davao Oriental to San Vicente, Palawan, Philippines
DAY03_19.PLN (12.8 KB)
The Philippines is an amazing country, and as with many paradise locations, terrain quality in FS2020 leaves a lot to be desired. Too many clouds always hiding some of the terrain. It’s still a lot of fun to fly over all the inlets, straits, mountain ranges and land at the small airports scattered around. All while browsing all the beautiful pictures online from the places I’m flying over.
03-18 Baganga RPBN 5:34 PM
03-18 Andili RPAN 5:49 PM Bad stuttering
03-18 Tibagon RPTN 6:00 PM
03-18 Bangoy Intl RPMD 6:09 PM
03-18 Tamayong RPTM 6:18 PM
03-18 Guihing Proper RPGU 6:32 PM
03-18 Buayan RPMB 6:47 PM
03-18 General Santos RPMR 6:52 PM Bad performance
03-18 Kalamansig RPKL 7:19 PM
03-18 Lebak Rural LWA 7:25 PM
03-18 Seahawk LZ RP16 8:08 PM Trees at end of runway
03-18 Zamboanga Intl RPMZ 8:17 PM
03-18 Siocon National RPNO 8:42 PM 404 runway not found
03-18 Ipil RPMV 8:57 PM Bad performance
03-18 Liloy RPMX 9:08 PM
03-18 Ozamis RPMO 9:36 PM
03-18 Findlay Millar Lumber Company Airstrip RPKO 9:40 PM Tree at end of runwau, lumber company…
03-18 Iligan RPMI 9:51 PM
03-18 Cagayan De Oro RPML 10:03 PM
03-18 Butuan RPME 10:27 PM
03-18 Santa Ana RPSG 10:36 PM Narrow runway
03-18 Siargao Natl RPNS 10:56 PM
03-18 Nonoc RP13 11:06 PM
03-18 Surigao RPMS 11:12 PM
03-18 Maasin RPSM 11:29 PM
03-18 Hilongos RPVH 11:34 PM
03-18 San Francisco RPSS 11:45 PM mostly missing bad textures
03-18 Lapu Lapu/Mactan Cebu Intl PRVM 11:55 PM
03-19 Refugio Airstrip RPHA 12:09 AM
03-19 San Carlos City [under construction] RPHC 12:12 AM Indeed under construction
03-19 Bacolod RPVB 12:25 AM
03-19 Sebaste RPSE 12:33 AM
03-19 Iloilo International RPVI 12:46 AM Bad performance, slow down, stuttering
03-19 Antique RPVS 12:59 AM
03-19 Cuyo RPLO 1:18 AM
03-19 San Vicente RPSV 1:57 AM
Flight time 8:32 35 stops
Departure from Baganga Airport
In the air just in time to see the sun come up
Langgawisan, pink fluffy clouds
Flying over the Marangig Falls
Andili Aiport, it’s a bit darker inside the fluffly clouds
With the airport along the Davao gulf
Bangoy International Airport in Davao City
Mount Apo (9,692ft) highest mountain peak and volcano (dormant) in the Philippines
Parker Volcano aka Mount Parker, locally known as Mélébingóy (5,985ft)
A potentially active stratovolcano on Mindanao island
Basilan Island between the Sulu Sea and Moro Gulf
Santo Nino (Culabog) on Zamboanga del Norte
Siocon Nation Airport. I couldn’t see any runway so landed in a field next to the coordinates
Bucana, pretty representative of what the islands mostly look like in FS2020
Iligan Airport, runway pretty far from the gps location, but this one is at least easy to spot
It must be said, Philippines has beautiful waterfalls everywhere
Butuan City on the Agusan river flowing into the Butuan bay
Here you can find Magellan’s anchorage
It is believed Magellan made first contact here in 1521 and of course claimed the Philippines for Spain, hence they were named after King Phillip II of Spain.
Next to amazing waterfalls, the Philippines also has beautiful caves, pretty much on each island
Above, Timubo Cave, Paraiso Cave and Bukilat Cave on San Francisco Island
Bacolod on the northwest coast of Negros Island
Flying over Sibalom Natural Park
To my final stop today at San Vicente Airport
Performance was down under 5 fps again, good time to call it a day in a beautiful location
More of the Philippines tomorrow, to Manilla