Leg 254, Buenos Aires, Costa Rica via Panama to Manizales, Colombia
DAY05_02.PLN (20.7 KB)
Amazing flight today with a spectacular weather finale. More of Costa Rica then on to Panama, along the Panama canal to Panama City. Island hopping follows before climbing into the mountains to follow the Caribbean coast into Colombia. There a spectacular weather finale awaits at the rock of Guatapé.
05-02 Buenos Aires De Osa MRBA 7:37 AM
05-02 Palmar Sur MRPM 7:44 AM
05-02 Drake MRDK 7:50 AM
05-02 Sirena Station MRSN * 8:05 AM
05-02 Carate MRCE 8:11 AM
05-02 Puerto Jimenez MRPJ 8:17 AM
05-02 Golfito MRGF 8:24 AM
05-02 Finca 63 MRFS 8:29 AM Trees at end of runway
05-02 Coto 47 MRCC 8:32 AM Bad stuttering, memory use increasing
05-02 Alvaro Berrroa PX02 8:41 AM
05-02 Chiriqui Grande MPCI 8:58 AM Bad stuttering, memory use increasing
05-02 San Felix MPSF 9:20 AM
05-02 Sona MPSB Under water
05-02 Coiba MPSO 9:35 AM Tall trees at end of runway
05-02 La Plantacion MPLA 9:53 AM
05-02 Arena MPLL 10:01 AM Bad stuttering, memory use increasing
05-02 Tonosi MPTN 10:11 AM
05-02 Cap. Justiniano Montanegro MPPD 10:21 AM
05-02 Los Asientos MP00 10:23 AM Trees at end of runway
05-02 Candelaria MPBE 10:28 AM
05-02 Augusto Vergara MPGU 10:33 AM
05-02 Chitre MPCE 10:40 AM
05-02 Ingenio Santa Rosa MP22 10:49 AM Tree at end of runway
05-02 Aguadulce MPAU 10:55 AM
05-02 El Coco MPAG 11:01 AM Bad stuttering, memory use increasing
05-02 Cap Scarlett R Martinez L Intl MPSM 11:07 AM
05-02 Chame MPCM 11:14 AM
05-02 Sherman MPFS 11:42 AM
05-02 Enrique Adolfo Jimenez MPEJ 11:45 AM Panama canal
05-02 Howard AFB MPPA 12:18 PM
05-02 Marcos A Gelabert Intl MPMG 12:23 PM Panama city capital landmarks 8°58’37"N 79°31’5"W
05-02 Tocumen Intl 9°04’00.1"N 79°23’14.1"W 12:44 PM Some parts of the airport are there
05-02 La Joya MPPS 12:52 PM
05-02 Coronel Raul Aria Espinoza MPRA 1:07 PM Fuel truck across end of runway
05-02 Contadora MPCS 1:12 PM Short runway
05-02 Viveros Island IVI 1:15 PM
05-02 Fernando Eleta MPFE 1:19 PM Trees at end of runway
05-02 San Jose Island SIC 1:24 PM
05-02 Punta Cocos MP26 1:29 PM Bad Stuttering over land, memory use increasing
05-02 Playon Chico MPPL 1:55 PM
05-02 Alligandi MPAI 2:01 PM
05-02 Wakitupu MPAC 2:04 PM
05-02 Mamitupo MPI 2:06 PM
05-02 Ogubsucum OGM 2:09 PM
05-02 Mulatupo MPMN 2:15 PM
05-02 Mulatupo MPMU 2:22 PM
05-02 Mulatupo MPMA 2:25 PM
05-02 Puerto Obaldia MPOA 2:34 PM
05-02 Puerto Obaldia MPOA 4:51 PM
05-02 Capurgana SKCA 4:55 PM
05-02 Acandi SKAD 4:59 PM
05-02 Unguia SKUQ 5:12 PM
05-02 Antonio Roldan Betancourt SKLC 5:21 PM
05-02 Chigorodo SKIG 5:25 PM
05-02 Chigorodo SKJV 5:28 PM No runway, landed in field, bad textures
05-02 El Plateado SKFO 5:52 PM Trees at end of runway
05-02 Rancho Ae SKAT 6:06 PM Bad Stuttering, memory use increasing
05-02 Olaya Herrara SKMD 6:21 PM Virtual vision landing
05-02 Jose Maria Cordova SKRG 6:33 PM Medellín Pablo Escobar, The rock of Guatape 6°13’13"N 75°10’46"W
05-02 Puerto Nare SKPN 6:56 PM
05-02 Puerto Perales SKPY 7:03 PM No runway, landed in field
05-02 La Nubia SKMZ 7:40 PM
Flight time 9:46 59 stops
Departure from Buenos Aires De Osa Airport
Luckily it was just a local cloud, out in the sunshine
Landing at Sirena Aerodrome in Parque Nacional Corcovado
Rolled up to the ranger station to check it out in detail
Lot of luggage, no one around, a mystery
More suitcases, where is the party
The real thing, one building is for overnight stays
Time to head out, bye bye mr wind sock
Carate Airport, following the coast along the peninsula
Golfito back on the mainland on Golfito Bay
Quebrada de Vuelta, just over the border into Panama
Volcán Barú (11,398ft) active stratovolcano and highest mountain in Panama
Located in Parque Nacional Volcán Barú
Archipielago de Islas Secas in the North Pacific Ocean
Located at Parque Nacional de Isla Coiba
Las Narices in the middle of Isla Cébaco
Malena, back to mainland Panama
Rio Pavo flowing through Reserva forestal La Tronosa
La Estrella in El Roble corregimiento, Aguadulce District, Coclé Province, Panama
Ingenio Santa Rosa in the other direction and name of the airport
Massive artificial lake, part of the ship route through the Panama Canal
Gatun Locks between the lake and the Caribbean Sea
Agua Clara Locks (left) part of the Panama Canal expansion project, opened 2016
Puente Atlántico between Limon Bay and the locks
Turned around to Panama city, Chagres River connecting the Panama Canal with Gatun Lake
The Panama Canal, build by the US between 1904 and 1914
The Panama Canal remained under US control until 1999, then handed over to Panama
Puente Centenario, Pedro Miguel Locks in the distance
Carrying 6 lanes of traffic across the canal
Miraflores Locks (left) and Cocolí Locks (Panama Canal expansion)
The width of the old locks (106ft) have always been a design constraint for cargo ships
In 2019 the Panama Canal registered 13,785 transits, either oceangoing or small vessels, transporting 252 million long tons of goods in total
Puente de Las Américas, looking out onto the North Pacific Ocean
Awesome bridge and safe to fly under in the middle
Flying along the road deck works…
But there are invisible walls a bit further to the middle, splat
Landing at Marcos A. Gelabert Intl aka Albrook Gelabert Airport
Panama City, capital of Panama
Peace Garden Cemetary and Panamá Viejo (historical site) on the left on the coast
Panama Metropolitan Cathedral (completed 1796) and Casco Antiguo
A look inside the Panama Canal Museum
Museo de La Historia de Panamá
Some more island hopping in the gulf of Panama, Pacheca Island
Coronel Raul Aria Espinoza Airport
Punta Cocos in Concholón, south end of Isla del Rey
Chimán District, back on the mainland, crossing the mountains to the Caribbean side
Ogubsucum Airport on Guna Yala Comarca island right on the Caribbean Sea coast
Puerto Obaldia close to the border with Colombia
Continuing after a couple hours break, the weather has changed
Another rainbow on the way out
El Plateado along the Rio San Joaquin
Natural Las Orquídeas National Park
Flying out of Rancho Ae Airport
Medellín, (in)famous for the Medellin cartel and Pablo Escobar (1949-1993)
Nicknamed the “City of Eternal Spring” for its temperate weather
Jose Maria Cordova International Airport (Aeropuerto Internacional José María Córdova)
Where the Rock of Guatapa (El Peñón de Guatapé) is located
Outcrop of the Antioquia Batholith, towers 656ft above its base
A 649 steps staircase leads visitors to the top
I really lucked out with the weather, amazing to fly around in here
One more circle before heading on
Sunset on approach to Puerto Nare
Puerto Boyacá and Puerto Perales Nuevo
Club de Recraeción Cultura y Deporte Puerto Boyacá in Puerto Boyacá
A city in the mountainous coffee-growing region of western Colombia
Heading for La Nubia airport, a dark strip along the road ahead
I’ll be visiting the capital of Cololbia tomorrow, then further into South America.