Leg 28 Poprad, Slovakia through Poland to Dresden, Germany
DAY9_19.PLN (8.3 KB)
Up early again, why not take to the skies instead of tossing and turning
9-19 Tatry LZTT 4:44 AM
9-19 Zar EPZR 5:12 AM
9-19 Aleksandrowice EPBA 5:18 AM
9-19 Kaniow EPKW 5:26 AM Auswitch North East
9-19 Balice EPKK 5:46 AM
9-19 Pobiednik Wielki EPKP 6:08 AM
9-19 Pinczow EPPC 6:23 AM
9-19 Maslow EPKA 6:35 AM
9-19 Sadkow EPRA 6:53 AM
9-19 Nowe Miasto nad Pilica EPNM 7:07 AM
9-19 Okecie EPWA 7:24 AM
9-19 Babice EPBC 7:47 AM
9-19 Modlin Mil EPMO 8:04 AM
9-19 Torun EPTO 8:41 AM
9-19 Szwederowo EPBY 8:51 AM
9-19 Bednary EPPB 9:10 AM
9-19 Krzesiny EPKS 9:18 AM
9-19 Lawica EPPO 9:31 AM
9-19 Neuhardenberg EDON 10:10 AM Solar panel overload
9-19 Tegel EDDT (Berlin) 10:31 AM
9-19 Muehlenfeld EDBE 11:27 AM
Crash to desktop
9-19 Muehlenfeld EDBE 11:47 AM
9-19 Hannover EDDV 12:26 PM
9-19 Hildesheim EDVM 12:38 PM
9-19 Hasselfelde UL ED88 12:58 PM
9-19 Leipzig-Halle EDDP 1:23 PM
9-19 Dresden EDDC 2:00 PM
Flight time: 8:56 25 stops
Leaving Tatry heading high Tatras mountains. I had to make a big spiral first to gain enough altitude
High Tatras mountains, yep they are high
Zakopane, Poland on the other side of the mountains.
There is a ski jump arena at the bottom of the mountain. Don’t get close, it’s auto-gen buildings…
Jablonka, a few trees left behind along the river. Mainly farmland.
Auschwitch in Oświęcim
The camp is a lot bigger than I thought it was. It’s that whole section at the nose of my plane
Wawel royal castle in the bottom left of the picture above
Town square with St Mary’s Basilica, the Cloth Hall and Town hall tower.
Warsaw (late addition, lost screenshots found)
The royal castle (right) and Kosciól Akademicki św. Anny (left) along the Vistula river
The palace of culture and science, magnificent building
One critical bug though
The time is wrong. It was about 2:30 pm (local time) when I passed there. Unforgivable for a palace of science!
On to Berlin, it’s been a while since I saw photogrammetry data
The iconic tv tower
Brandenburg gate with the Bundestag and Reichstag on the left
I’ve been here before since it has the closest Canadian embassy from Amsterdam. Quite a long drive to get a temporary passport.
Checkpoint charly. It’s that little bump in the middle of the street doh!
So much history. I was 15 when the wall came down, it left a big impression.
John F Kennedy 1963, sadly assassinated the same year.
Back to the skies, on to Potsdam
Lovely palace, a shame FS 2020 turns most fountains (and outdoor pools) into buildings.
Simply called new palace, completed in 1769. Not that new anymore!
Crossing the Elbe at Ferchland
Leipzig at dusk
I temporarily set the rendering scale to 200 to get better lighting for the screenshot.
Tomorrow, on to Prague.