Leg 5, around Greenland to Iceland. The quality of FS 2020 is a bit lacking this far North, There is still plenty to enjoy but there are a lot of bugs in the height map as well.
DAY8_27.PLN (3.0 KB)
8-27 Illulissat BGJN 7:05 AM
8-27 Aasiaat BGAA 7:29 AM
8-27 Kangerlussuaq BGSF 8:15 AM
8-27 Kangerlussuaq BGSF 10:15 AM
8-27 Nuuk BGGH 11:36 AM
8-27 Paamiut BGPT 12:40 PM
8-27 Narsarsuaq BGBW 1:57 PM
8-27 Kulusuk BGKK 4:19 PM
8-27 Ísafjörður BIIS 6:43 PM
Filght time: 9:38 7 stops
Comiing in for a landing in Nuuk
Paamiut has a nice grass runway
Looks like a great place for fishing trips
Climbing over the mountains heading East
After Kulusuk, straight East to Iceland during sunset
Arrival at night in Ísafjörður
I thought this game was pretty before, then I arrived in Iceland!