Exploring the world in the Beechcraft Bonanza

Leg 74, Gbadolite DRC via Central African Republic to Impfondo, Democratic Republic of the Congo

DAY11_4.PLN (6.1 KB)

Another full day of lightning, it never ends!

11-04 Gbadolite FZFD 5:04 AM
11-04 Mobaye MBanga FEFE 5:11 AM
11-04 Bakouma FEGM 6:02 AM
11-04 Yalinga FEFY 6:28 AM
11-04 M’Boki FEGE 7:43 AM
11-04 Zemio FEFZ 8:06 AM
11-04 Bondo FZBY 9:01 AM
11-04 Bondo (Likali) FZDW 9:17 AM
11-04 Aketi FZKN 9:34 AM
11-04 Yalingimba FZGI 10:00 AM
11-04 Bumba FZFU 10:13 AM
11-04 Lisala FZGA 10:40 AM
11-04 Pimu FZBX 10:58 AM
11-04 Binga FZGE 11:17 AM
11-04 Gwaka FZFW 11:29 AM Drone cam landing
11-04 Impfondo FCOI 12:25 PM virtual vision landing

Flight time 7:21 15 stops

A look at Mobutu’s abandoned palace in Gbadolite from the previous leg

Yalinga, heading North first, back into Central African Republic

Flying over Chinko Nature Reserve

The reserve spans nearly 7,000 square miles, that’s seven times Luxembourg

The whole area lies on a volcanic plateau 2,000 ft above sea level

Approaching M’Boki, rain has moved in

Which brings out the rainbows

M’Boki Airport

Heading back South into the Democratic Republic of the Congo over Western Bomu Wildlife Reserve

Eastern Bomu wildlife Reserve

No info on the Bomu reserves, it’s pretty wet

with a varied and colorful terrain

Bondo on the river Uele

Flying over the river on departure

Bumba on the river Congo

Finally a town with a couple pictures, looks like it was a flood situation

The Congo river

My only ‘knowledge’ of the Congo is from the 1995 movie, Congo, mediocre blockbuster now cult-classic

Not to be confused with the 2019 movie Congo which has nothing to do with the 1995 one

Most likely also not a good source to learn more about the Congo

For that this would be the documentary to watch

Moving on to Lisala

A packed ferry at Lisala

Crossing the Congo river again

Binga at dusk

I continued on to Impfondo, the dark airstrip was in the G1000, here lit by lightning

So much lightning!