Extra 330LT in SU6: new bugs

I am glad my answer is helpful.

Yes, the Hawk is quite old, and that is why the developer has access to the real thing: old enough not to be “secret” anymore.
Yes, you need time for a new plane, and tomorrow there is a big update with new planes: F18 Superhornet, Pilatus PC-6, …

Yes, everything I post I have flown it. Thank you. I like this type of flying.

Yes, so far TrackIR works fine. It may appear expensive, but when it lasts 12+ years, per day it is:
150 / (12 * 365) = ~ 0.03424 a day…

Kind regards,

NB: my tag is RevampedSine732, not 723 :rofl:

Hi @RevampedSine732
Downloaded and flown with little detail the Hawk T1/A. It flies well, obeys well although there are certain movements that it makes slow and not very agile as is the barrel; I guess it is a characteristic of training aircraft, especially those of that era, an era already distant (50 years, which is a long time in Aeronautics).

I haven’t downloaded the “LOCH” addon yet, due to lack of time, but I will download it.

There are 2 aircraft that I guess you know (and even, you may already have): the F-22 Raptor and a replica of the JMB VL-3, which they christened “Vertigo” with very variable and beautiful liveries. Both can be found on “FlightSim.to” and they are also free, which surprises me a lot, because they are two magnificent airplanes. The Vertigo has a huge engine that gives it an enormous speed.

If you belong to the purist group, maybe you don’t like it. You know, there are many people who want their airplanes to behave exactly like the real thing. Anyway, as you like the filigree and I guess you also like the speed, you might like it. Anyway, you may already have them in your possession, so what I am saying is unnecessary.

Regarding the F-18 , Pilatus etc. Well, the Pilatus I had in FSX . The F-15E Strik Eagle and the F-18, I have had them for 4 years in Aerofly FS 2, and I don’t think that those that are coming will outperform mine in FS 2 (which is very good). Aerofly FS 2, you have an extraordinary aircraft, incredibly well executed, what it does not have and will never have, is the scenery that MSFS has. One aircraft that I am looking forward to is the younger brother of the Eurofighter, the Rafale. I had it also in FSX that flew very, very well in sensitivity, agility and excellent maneuverability; I hope that the one that will appear, at least the same in the mentioned characteristics.

Do you know if this update you have mentioned to me is wide and deep. I ask you this, because I have real desires to finish with the very irregular behavior it has in my Sim. The Extra 330.

By the way: Does your real name have anything to do with your tag name: RevampedSine?

Well, RevampedSine (I find it very strange to mention you by this name), until next time, which will be very soon.
Kind regards: Delfin

Hi Delfin,

Is it the Just Flight Hawk you got?
Yes, it’s not an Extra. You have to be careful, and a real Hawk pilot here in the UK said it is very realistic, and said:
The drag is very nicely simulated. As soon as you drop gear and flap below 200kt you need to anticipate applying 87-89% RPM to hold 150kt. The leave the power when you start your final approach but select full flap. Works a treat! Just like real! I always monitor the G meter when I start my pull up for manoeuvres. I’ve got a good feel from my extended warthog joystick so that makes it easier. Whilst you can over g the real thing, and it doesn’t actually protect you from over g, you have to be grossly aggressive with the stick. It’s difficult to perceive G onset in the sim. I’m thinking that may be the main issue for some.

Locher: take your time.

I have the Vertigo, yes fun, and fast. Inspired by Mike Patey Turbulence 850 HP.

I have the page open for the F22; not downloaded yet: too many things to do, ie landing challenges too…

I LOVE the Rafale! I follow on YT a former real French airforce Rafale pilot: ATE CHUET. He has videos in French and English…
In this video, in French,

he talks about his display, here:

I doubt we will get an Excellent Rafale in MSFS. In FSX, a French developer Roland Laborie had done a brilliant Rafale, but he had it on sale only a few days; I didn’t have the time to buy it: the developper called it Dassault Rafale, and when the Dassault company knew about it, the wanted him to pay thousands of euros to be allowed Dassault Rafale. He pulled the payware. Any company would have been flattered, not Dassault!

New planes, 9 new airports. I will have to see tomorrow.

No, it was the tag I was given when I regitered in Sep 2019, to get the beta,alpha FS, which I never got. I never changed, so it stays as it is…

Kind regards,

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Hi @Hester40MT

Good morning, Mister Erik
You, who are closer than me to the elites who have the power and make the decisions in this company, can you inform me if this update that today will be put at our service, is the “deep update” that you had told me about, (to solve engine stalls, accelerations and decelerations, etc.), or is it a simple patch to solve only certain problems?

Kind regards: Delfin

The Extra engine stalls were fixed a few weeks ago; I hope they won’t be back!
Roll acceleration rate was raised at the same update.

Hi Raymond
I had already partially discovered the behavior of the Hawk, but with your advice, I see that it handles better, especially in the aggressiveness of the joystick, something rare in most of the aircraft of the Sim.

Formidable the videos of the Rafale, it is a bird that to see it flying and maneuvering causes admiration and envy not to be able to take a ride in a REAL one. Let’s hope it arrives (it will arrive), one for MSFS, and let’s hope it flies reasonably well. Like the real plane ?. Well, that we’ll never know, since we’ll never get to try one. Too bad that Roland Laborie couldn’t develop it for this Sim. Of course, Dassault had to be flattered by that marvel. How mean they are sometimes, both individually people and collectively companies, unfortunately, that’s how this world is: sometimes we meet the best of man, and sometimes also the worst.

This afternoon I tried to download SU 7, but everything was collapsed, so I decided to leave it for tomorrow, I want to be at the end of the download, next to the PC, in case of any mishap to intervene. I imagine that the download will take at least 2 hours.

For all your collaboration with me, dear Raymond, thank you very much. It sounds much better to me Raymond, than … RevampedSine732.

Kind regards: Delfin

Well, I continue with the accelerations and decelerations, and from time to time, also engine stop. Let’s see if with this SU 7, these nightmares end.