Extremely low download speed servers need work

Thought Id create a vote to see if they can improve the download speeds as this will surely only get worse once the Xbox version is released.

I have 72mbps download speed but during the feb 16th update am only seeing max 4mbs will take almost a day to download at that speed.

Hey guys,
For the first time in what has been a 100% trouble free experience with MSFS 2020, I had the ongoing “Looking For Updates” loop a day ago. Finally, I am downloading the current update (the one that includes VR support) but the update is 100+ GIGS, and I am downloading it at a glacier-like 35 megaBITS per second. God only knows how long this will take. All previous updates were complete within a short time until now.
I have a very fast broadband connection that is working fine, is there something else going on that I am unaware of?
Thanks in advance for any advice, just wanting to make sure I haven’t overloooked something
Frustrated :slight_smile:

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It shouldn’t be 100+gbs check the location for the update is correct in the sim. The servers have been playing up since yesterday not sure if that is fixed now.

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There has been no recent update other than to put new items into the marketplace. The loading issue was due to a severe outage within the Microsoft Azure services.


It wants to update into my “Packages” folder, which is empty. This sucks as I cannot play
Update is what it says it is downloading
all 100+ gig
s of it. Everything was fine until the weird log on problem.

Roughly 7 hours at that speed.

Maybe that’s the problem. I guess MSFS thinks there is no copy installed when that folder is empty and downloads the whole package. My Packages folder is not empty. It contains the Community folder and the Official folder, with a OneStore sub folder in there.

Have you by any chance moved the sim between drives or locations. The fact that your Packages folder is empty suggests to me the sim is actually installed elsewhere and the “update” needs to be directed there. The updater looks at the installation and decides what needs to be downloaded - if it doesn’t find anything it reloads the lot!

Had something similar when I migrated the sim from the C drive to a new Nvme SSD.

I’m having exactly the same issue going on for 3 days now. I was playing fine until I decide to restart MSFS to activate an skin. After that, i got on the “looking for updates” and “logged out from Xbox Live” loop. After some restarts (and prays) I got this same update and I cannot go futher than 2.5 mBITS/s. 12 hours downloading and 9GB downloaded is what I got. I have a 150 mbps net connection, so it should be downloading at least 15 mBYTES/s. I tried everything, changed network configs, set another drive to the simulator and nothing works. I’m starting to believe that I’ll have to pay a VPN to try the download.
So MUCH dissapointed.

Do we have a status on the Azure outage? My sim has been painfully slow these last couple of days.

I have no way of communications with any of those engineers, but here’s a good overview: Azure status - looks like everything is back up.

I misspoke- my packages folder also contains a Community folder and an Official folder-
The update path wants to update “packages.” Could some kind soul check and see if this is what their updater points to? As has been mentioned, my path may have gotten borked.
Thanks in advance for any kind effort-

I deleted all my files of MSFS, unistalled on steam, and i’m trying to re-download now. I deleted manually the packages and the game started downloading the update again. The same 110gb. I really don’t know what is going on. I’m starting to realize that maybe with some days of waiting, things will go back to normal again. But it’s amazing, when the game was broke for me, the desire to play has been multiplied for 5.

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Actually felleas- I think I need to uninstall/re-install. I have the Steam Version. Is there any good source data on how to conduct a re-install?
Thanks again :heart:

Many people have noted that if you choose the verify option on steam it sometimes marks it as not installed and redownloads everything. Maybe that’s why you are getting the 100gb downloads?

Note I am saying sometimes, because I tried the verify files option on steam to force a full download, and it didn’t happen for me.

This is what I got until now. 2 days downloading. Unbeliaveble.

@Nazarene455 did you got any change?

Although I can’t prove this until there’s an update so I can monitor the traffic, I’m starting to suspect that MSFS is using some variant of the BitTorrent protocol to distribute updates. If so, that would be the reason why they claim that some ISPs are throttling their traffic. And it would explain why people with otherwise blazing fast, top tier connections are seeing speeds akin to 2004 data rates.

If I try to download a torrent without a VPN from my connection, I will never break 30-ish Mbits. And that’s the speed MSFS seems to stall at for me.


nah, it’s not a torrent. You’re downloading directly from the Azure cloud (Microsoft).
My own downloads instantly go to max. speed. This would never happen with a torrent, since that will look for multiple sources to download from.

Perhaps they using it in a way that combines data from multiple CDNs. Perhaps it’s not BT directly, but streaming data to you from multiple sources, and ISPs are detecting it as bit torrent.

It’s hard to say since we don’t really know how their distribution system is set up. It’s just speculation on my part, but would make sense as to why their traffic is being throttled on otherwise fast connections.

If anything, I would sooner expect them to see you’re connecting to Azure, and wanting to sell you a ‘business’ connection. Purely a guess though, based on no factual information whatsoever.

Not sure where you’re from, but that’s why net neutrality is so important. Your ISP shouldn’t have any insight in what you’re using your data on.