Extremely slow and fluctuating download speeds

On Xbox Series X, been trying to download the PMDG 737-700 from the content manager for almost two hours now. Downloads about 52mb, stops and resets. I’ve hard reset my Xbox twice now and it makes zero difference. I’ve about had enough of this and will not be purchasing anything else. I can’t even enjoy the airplane I purchased because of an issue out of my hands.

Using a VPN isn’t the answer and it shouldn’t even be a recommendation by a multi-billion dollar company. They have known about this since June 2023 and yet have no answer for it.

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Consider yourselves lucky. I haven’t even able to load up the sim period for two days now. Firing up MSFS also tanks my upload/download speeds in general. Everything grinds to a complete stop. Ending FS (via task manager) restores my connection to normal. I don’t know what they’ve done, but from what I’ve been reading across the web, this update has been a disaster… Everything was working OK for me up until Friday night… I’m in Ontario Canada here…

Hi all!
We’ve moved some posts out of this discussion topic and into the main bug report. This topic is for discussing of a bug report (as bug reports are only to report a bug and not discuss it); to help keep chatter out of bug reports.

The main bug report is here:

If you have not contributed to the bug report, assure you do! When posting in bug reports, it’s best to use the reply template or at least provide enough feedback info for the bug, such as your speed and your location.

Thank you.

I read about Proton VPN in this thread.
Today I downloaed the software. The free version doesn’t allow for new accounts to choose a server abroad. It only allows to automatically connect to the fastest server, which is always in the same country, meaning Europe, meaning slow download.

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After several CTD´s and investing in a new 4TB SSD, I decided to spend the weekend for a new installation.
But as so many other simmers, a weekend seems not to be enough. Download speeds are fluctuating, but most of the time it is arround 2-3 Mbit/s.
My glassfiber-connection and hardware can not be the bottle-neck.

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I just read this comment here
Slow speeds with MSFS - Playfab Community

Asobo admitted that this is server side error, related to legacy PlayFab CDN they are still using, affecting mostly Europe. Seems like they are unable to find a solution within various Microsoft teams, especially the one maintaining the CDN.

The bug report is about download speed in content manager. The problem is, that the downloads are abysmally slow not only in the content manager, also for the regular updates.
Why should we continue reporting? With several hundreds of slow download speed reports Asobo should be well aware that they should finally solve it with the PlayFab CDN folks.

You don’t have too; it’s been logged and acknowledged.

And, they are.

The point is to keep discussions out of bug reports and only report the bug (should you want to). They already know where the problem exists. However, it’s helpful to provide your location incase it’s expanded further than what they have found.

A post was merged into an existing topic: EXTREMELY slow download speeds in content manager

They arent really doing anything about it. Its been a known issure for ages and nothing has improved at all. In this day and age we shouldnt be facing this problem at all and the issue should be easily fixed. Yet its not… If they really are doing something about it then they should post in this discussion. The Q&A didnt reveal anything.


They can’t do anything about it since they are using Amazon to store their game data to download and install. They are using Amazon Web Services to do store the data. I used Netstat to verify it.

What arguments did you use?

Was not able to DL WU16 since it came out, downspeed was 0.5 to 2 MBit at best. (internet is fine, 150MBit everywhere else).
Gave up on it, deleted the few downloaded MBs and put it in the not-installed category for good (it’s not that important to me).

Few days ago i encountered the “bandwidth too low for streaming” error for the first time → checked internet, it was fine, so it was the sim.

Out of curiosity i tried the following:
In the data menue i switched off all online functionalities and applied with F11.

Then I enabled them again and set the bandwidth limit (also in the data menue) to 40Mbits, just to see how the sim would behave then.

Started the same scenario where i had the too low bandwidth before and the error was gone.

Disabled the bandwidth limit again and tried the same flight again → all good.

Of course then i tried to DL the WU16 and out of a sudden it was downloaded with a constant 140-150Mbit.

I don’t know why or how, and maybe/probably it’s just coincidence, but wanted to share this anyways.

Yes, I have the same problem, my 500meg connection looks like a dial-up (only when downloading for MSFS.
I posted about this 2 or 3 weeks ago and the mods deleted my post.

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What is this???!?!?!??!? I have a 1000/1000 fiber connection. Speedtest results are fine. 870 download, still getting less that 1mbps in msfs, and it’s always like this.


Downloading mandatory update with 0.3mMbit/s on gigabit line. I’m realy sick of this


Same, it is a massive PITA.
Just wanted to do a quick flight in today‘s stormy weather and I‘m stuck with 0.00 - 1.2 MBit „downloading“ those 327.94 MB.

500 Mbit fiber, located in Germany.

This is such a joke. Will this ever get solved?

EDIT: Tried with Express VPN - Marseille server. Speed went up to 200 MBits.

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for me the last update was oll fashioned quick. Well, the last 2 updates really. The large first one all withing an hour

Not solved still !!! The same and issue is present still.

I have 1Gb/s cable connections.

In MSFS :grin: its a joke simply, 1/3 a day, are we in 2000 and phone connection?

Poland, East Europe.

Normally this should take 10-15 minutes maximum. What wrong with your servers? :hot_face: