Extremity dead zones / axis sensitivity config

Requesting native support for independently implementing logical dead zones at the extremes of a physical axis range (i.e. no output change in response to input change), see image. I’ve not found anything concrete in regard to additional axis sensitivity options on the roadmap, though it’s an often-discussed topic in the forums.

It would also be great to be able to further manipulate the curve after setting one or both ends, satisfying additional axis sensitivity config functionality requests, though I’d be happy enough with a linear scale between extremity deadzones for my throttle.

I recognize the pitfall of believing that “anything I don’t understand must be easy to implement”, but it does seem like it would be a small (and much-needed) extension to existing configuration options for axis curves. I was dismayed to find out my new physical setup will prevent me from using the sim without an additional external software layer (independent of the OS, MSFS, or device manufacturer software) that may incur its own costs and cause its own problems. I’d sure prefer to avoid that - and a highly/fully configurable axis is typically a basic component of any flight sim. Even non-hobbyists may want to prevent a response to a bumped control.

Some related posts (didn’t do an exhaustive search; there are probably more):

Please, implement the custom axis sensitivity setting.

Especially in relation to the sliders, like pedals or throttles, it is necessary to be able to configure NULL zones at the ends and not only in the central part.
The user should be able to set custom responses using “user defined” coordinates.

The current available math functions are not sufficient to prevent misaligned or not perfectly configured potentiometers. They only work well with new or fully functional hardware.

Yes… this !!! We all need this… At least with this we can set a proper spoiler sensitivity to work with auto-spoiler.

This would be a great addition. It should also make it easier to have axis-to-button detents which my VPC CM3 supports and would make it much easier to access reverse thrust in certain aircraft that have it.

Ultimately, what I want to see done for the sensitivity page is something like what X-Plane 11 currently does. Controls is the one segment that MSFS is seriously lacking right now. Here’s a picture of what X-Plane 11 does currently for controls. It’s quite neat and I find works the best as it allows for a unique range to be added for stuff like reverse thrust, beta and then the actual throttle itself.

The ability to set these manually would be an excellent addition and make fine-tuning much simpler and overall easier to do in the sim.

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