Lots of Military Transports which should be in Sim sometime. Lots of Ex AF Pilots who flew them for years. C-5; C-141; C-17; older 4 engine props, C-118; C-130; (still in production over 50 years) others also. These planes would certainly qualify for under speed limit, and since no weapons, they don’t violate any internal policies. I am giving it a year or so for them to show up in Sim, then either going to use FSX for them or DCS, which I have no interest in except for flying planes, and not fighter jock, so not much interest there either.
Think about how much turmoil supersonic aircraft ‘even unarmed’ could do to the multiplayer aspect of this game. I dont know if multiplayer aircraft are like ground vehicles where you cant interact ‘physically’ with them, but if you could, your flying along in your A320 and all of a sudden a flight of F-15’s surrounds you and forces you down with their jet wash or by crashing into to you. Now next time you fly do you pay another group of Fighters to ezcort (lol apparently you cant say E S C O R T ) you on your Flight or do you go it alone. Do you sneak to your destination at 200’?, or do you Fly high and fast and try to out run them.
Yes, exactly, however the transports are all sub-sonic, so they would work.
I will buy this with hopes Asobo implements supersonic speeds in the future (thus enabling things such as the Concorde from DC Designs1)… In the meantime, P3D satisfies this urge just fine.
This is why war planes should be left in DCS and not in MSFS: You can’t shoot down other people in MSFS
Combat aircraft actually using weapons is an exceptional rarity.
Cant wait also when is the 737 gonna be here
There is a Jet already fully implemented in FS2020. I honestly can’t say that I need military jets in FS2020. We have DCS for that, with missions and all the bells and whistles. I like bush missions in FS2020 and challenges. What I do want to see in FS2020, is an actual body of the pilot with his/her hands on the yoke. I do VR only and that is the only thing lacks right now, to bring the full immersion. Military jets, imho, can wait.
What I would like to see in MSFS is two-seater F15E version with working FLIR / TFR, emergency procedures and working switches, various avionic systems for example independent hydraulic systems and ability to switch between channels… possibility to set steerpoint or markpoint in the air… Working AP switches such as STR sel and ATT/ALT sel.
The argument “military airplanes have no place in MSFS, that’s what DCS is for” has an elitist ring to it. While DCS is “free” every piece of content costs a lot of money which not everyone can afford. And having one’s favourite places to fly in both MSFS and DCS with a few choice aircraft can be very expensive.
The whole argument is also proven wrong by history. Addons for MSFS and even stock versions of MSFS have a long tradition of military planes. From the warbird to modern day fighters and there have even been aircraft carriers in stock MSFS versions. And interestingly enough, never ever have I heard the fighter jockeys from IL-2, Combat Flight Simulator or Falcon 4.0 - who also played MSFS - heard complaining about military planes in MSFS. This is definitely a very new DCS thing. The whole notion to me is totally ludicrous and narrow-minded.
Those two things have exactly absolutely nothing to do with each other. A 3rd party developer making a military plane will have zero impact on Asobo including an animated Co-Pilot.
This is a pretty simplistic way of thinking.
There’s more to wanting to fly a military plane than weapons and shooting down other people. There’s a reason that some rich people buy themselves an old Dornier Alpha Jet or Douglas A-4 as a private plane:
- speed (no civilian aircraft - not even Concorde - can match a military aircraft when it comes to speed)
- power acceleration (see “speed”)
- sound (see “speed”)
- manoeuverability (zipping through deep alpine valleys at speeds close to the Mach 1 is something you can’t do in a Bonanza. And CJ4 or TBM at cruising speed aren’t exactly built for G-Forces)
- visibility (the glass canopy and the high position almost above the fuselage is something almost no aircraft can recreate)
- carrier operation (still in it’s infancy but getting there)
(granted: you cannot do all those things IRL but that’s what a sim makes great)
And lastly: not everyone wants to deal with two simulators at the same time. I have neither the time nor the will to learn to use a second simulator - especially not one as sophisticated as DCS.
So please accept that other people have different needs and expectations than you have. Please let other people have their fun with what makes them happy.
After all: it’s not as if you have any kind of disadvantage from other people flying an Eurofighter in MSFS, right?
Sorry to necro your post, but it definitely uses the modern flight model. I don’t even think legacy works as I’ve never tested or worked on it for the aircraft. Not sure where the speed limit thing came from, but there’s a table that you can edit to make a plane go as fast as you want even with the modern flight model. drag_coef_zero_lift_mach_tab
for any developers that are curious about it.
Speaking of speed reason you mentioned above - the problem with military speeds is that your game may not be able to handle loading the landscape. Try to fly a bit with time acceleration here and there and see how your PC handles the landscape. I use RTX 3090, and granted I play in VR which may be different from direct PC, but my landscape can’t load fast enough if I say go 4x the time acceleration.
So if you want military planes purely to just fly around in the clouds or above, that’s probably fine, but because FS2020 uses photogrammetry and bing data download in real time, you may see gfx artifacts on the ground and low rez landscape, while flying at high speeds. Manual pre-caching may help maybe. Anyhow, I believe high speeds at low altitude especially, may be accompanied by the artifacts or low res of the landscape.
What I really want to see in game, is effects on the ground, Volcanoes Smoke, water actually move, waterfalls to be alive, hot springs vapors, etc etc. FS2020 is great for exploration, I don’t see how it can be great for just flying around a military plane for an hour. I mean how long will you be enjoying F-15, if all you can do is just FLY? It’s armed to the teeth, and you just want to fly it, and then what? Or do you want to do bush missions in it, or maybe fly around the statue of liberty? You can’t explore anything in fast military jets. They are target oriented aircrafts - take off, quickly reach the point, destroy target, escape the area. They are useless for exploration or site seeing, they are pretty much flying guns, which most likely won’t work, the guns I mean. So just a fast flying stick, for the sake of seeing a cockpit.
Sorry if my opinion is a bit pushy. I am just a highly practical person and try to see reason and practical implementation behind things, or time spent. I do understand the fun behind the person’s effort, who is making that mod. So as far as mod goes, that is great, but I wouldn’t want Asobo waste time on adding more planes that have no practical meaning in fS2020, while so many other important things need to be done, to improve FS2020 for what it really is. it’s probably the most realistic and immersive flight sim on the market right now, especially in VR. And I’d really want to see them push forward the exploration part of the game first. That is what FS2020 in it’s current implementation truly shines at.
The new Eurofighter uses ‘new flight model only’ as well … but I saw the top speed on the start screen is 680 KTS, which is not faster than sound …
This website
Informatica AZ has recreated the Eurofighter Typhoon within the current simulator constraints which limit the aircraft capabilities and therefore, the team has released the aircraft with version 0.9.
**Within MSFS, the Eurofighter has limitations of Mach 0.95 as well as being without the presence of an afterburner. These limitations come from the current functionality of Microsoft Flight Simulator and it’s Software Development Kit that developers use to create third-party addons for the simulator. These features may become available at a later update. **
That’s a technical problem, however, which could possibly be solved in the future by Asobo. So it makes no impact on the question whether military planes should have a place in MSFS.
However, I also agree that solving this technical issue probably shouldn’t be a priority at the moment.
the speed of sound is not an absolute and depends on temperature, altitude, air pressure and humidity.
At sea level 20°C and very dry air the speed of sound is 667 KTS.
Concorde’s cruising speed at around FL 570 to 600 at temperatures below -60°C was 1165 KTS which at this altitude translates into slightly over Mach 2. So the speed of sound at that altitude would be around 580 KTS.