F-18 vapor, trails, and visual fx massive fps drop

DC Designs and SC Designs have just updated the F-14 and F-16 respectively to include the new effects. Unfortunately both of these aircraft now show the same behaviour as the F/A-18. Now I have 5 broken aircraft. Great!

In DC Designs changelog 0.5.0 “Added Asobo special effects for G vapour, contrails etc”
In SC Designs changelog 1.03 “New Asobo visual effects added for G vapour, contrails, Mach cone”

Any chance of a hotfix as this is causing so many aircraft to be completely unflyable?

45,000 feet, clear skies, over middle of the ocean, online functionality off, graphics on standard ultra DX11, drop in FPS from 70s to 14.

5900X, 3080, 32GB Ram, SSD