Download link:
Download link:
Hmm … not really
Is it just an fsx port?
This is exactly why I have not installed a mod or texture yet. The quality level is very low. The only usable stuff comes from official third party developers. If you install something like that, don’t be surprised if the FS runs even worse. Everyone is screaming for quality and then they install something like this.
Sorry, just my opinion.
It’s a free port that somebody put effort into. Everybody is free to download and delete it when they’ve had their fun. I don’t see the problem here.
I see only one FSX Acceleration-Expansion-Pack F/A-18A Hornet, where nothing works. I suppose the creator has contacted Microsoft to get approval? Of course everyone can make whatever they want. But passing on someone (Microsoft) else’s property?
" Yes, you read that right. We have our first fighter jet for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020"
So this guy imported a F/A- 18 to FS2020 and it works decently enough to use it for cinematics, just don’t expect to be fully/half functional
Ahhh… okay.
“Get what you pay for” comes to mind… lol!
lol it does, still cool though xD
Yeah, nice try but def doesn’t hold up to the fidelity of the modern sim. I’ll wait for a better version cos that’ll just annoy me.
I asked this in another forum, but based on your f18 post, it sounds like it is possible that there could be combat jets issued in the future?
I know there used to be flight sim websites to download all the free planes that people would develop. Just wondering if now they will all be in the marketplace for purchase?
Here ya go:
All these little companies (websites) are popping up all over the place to offer their wares. They know that there will be $$Gold$$ at the end of the rainbow and they are all vying for your attention and future $$$.
and so the ripping begins.
we’ve been flying imported/converted aircraft for a while.
99.999pc of them are hugely flawed/buggy. Thats why theyve not been “released”. That plus possible copyright issues.
was credit given to how the plane was converted?
i recommened folk avoid quick conversions. is the only place for me. Unless you all agree there is another reliable source. has been a very reliable source for many years. is another long-term and well respected site.
Many players asked for a military aircraft to mess about with, so this person ported over a model from a DLC released in 2007 (13 years ago!!!) and provided it to the community for free. If it’s not your cup of tea then literally just do nothing. Why complain about something that others will get enjoyment from?
for some reason this didnt work for me trying to troubleshoot some things but i installed it correctly to my knowlage.