Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
Zendesk #151157
Post SU8-Using the T/O Set Trim button results in a negative(nose down) AoA 3 deg setting.
*Expected= Set T/O Button press should result in 4deg AoA NOSE UP (NU) setting & indicated by "4 NU Stab Pos 4 " on the mfd. (27deg positive on hud view)
A/C will rotate from a "field take-off " with little to no pilot input( speed/weight dependent of course )
*Actual= Button press results in 3deg AoA NOSE DOWN (ND) & indicated by " 3 ND Stab Pos 3 " on the mfd.
(20 deg Negative on hud view )
A/C will not rotate without hard up stick and is unstable in take-off, ouch
? Not sure why the external hud view trim is shown in flap deg rather than AoA deg, but probably a difficult thing to modify for the 18E. But it does confuse a lot of people.
*Work around: Flaps T/O (take off) & manually set your trim for 2 to 4 AoA ( for field t/o), 4 AoA Carrier.
It will be a bit before I can check in sim, but in your screenshot you appear to have your flaps set to auto, does the same problem occur with the flaps correctly set to half?
Yup, happens in all 3 modes. I should have screenshot in proper position to avoid confusion
Prior to SU8 was correct at 4 AoA.
When you can, check out to confirm it’s not just me:
-Mapping for Hud cage now avail. button and mapping, but something is amiss when engaged I think?
Toggle Attitude Cage is new binding.
-Position & Recognition dials are not functioning (mouse legacy or locked).
-Strobe 3 way also not functioning.
-ATC button no longer avail.(mouse leg/loc & no hover info) but is still mappable, still doesn’t hold ap set balt or ralt
-I think the Toggle Attitude Cage was in previous versions, definitely is not the same as the cage HUD button you could click on the throttle if I remember right.
-lights do appear to be non-functional in this build
-will have to check the click spot for the ATC, but the conflict with alt holds was not reported as fixed so I’m not surprised it still happens.
It wasn’t on the SU9 notes, but I had hopes
It has changed a little though.
Cold/Dark start = default set to 1deg NU ( nose up ) but pressing the T/O Reset puts it at 3deg ND.
(External view flap setting is +10deg, nose up)
Start on Runway = default set to 3deg ND
(External view flap setting is -20deg, nose down)
Workaround still the same OR See below post.
Manually set trim between 1-4 NU depending on your weight.
To view the AoA setting, open up checklist. AoA info at bottom of screen.
-Starting from Cold/Dark will always be preset to 1 NU.
(That is fine for an airfield takeoff and after setting flaps T/O, you can manually adjust AoA as desired or press the T/O Trim Set button and it will set 4NU).
-Starting from Runway will now be preset to 4 NU. (Adjust if desired).
(instead of 3 ND)
**Remember to save an original copy of the flight_model.cfg is case you mess it up