F/A18 E/F Blackout/Redout

In order to better experience High G Blackout(positive g) and Redout(negative g), you should assign the G Limiter mapping to something. Joystick trigger is perfect for this, in msfs.

Engaging the G Limiter overrides the FCC(Flight Control Computers) in the FCS(Flight Control System). The FCS/FCC are very complicated and have many more functions, restrictions and effects.
But the G Limiter should do two things:
Enable higher g and allow a faster roll rate (but this doesn’t seem to be modeled yet).

For simplicity in explaining:
7.5g is the FCS normal limit. This will change with aircraft speed, weight and other items.
Engaging the g limiter allows up to an additional 33% if the FCS safeties are met.
In other words, you can and will experience different max g forces at any given moment in flight, with or without the limiter engaged.

Without using the limiter and while you pull max sustained high g’s, watch the g indicator on the hud. Notice how it will go to about 7.5(can go beyond momentarily) but will constantly change. You might notice strange behavior also, your turn may not be smooth. This is the FCS controlling the aircraft.

The other settings that will effect your ability to have blackout/redout are in the assistance settings.

Selecting G Suit off and Civilian Pilot will quicken the onset and happen at a lower g for black/red out.
Also maybe better settings for xbox users, if g limiter is awkward to map and you want easy black/red out.
Note: Other military jets may not use the assistance settings or perhaps incorporate their own settings?

Still work to be done on the default Super Hornet, but it’s come a long way.
Hopefully it keeps getting the attention it deserves!
Max g is 9.8g for me, so far.
Overstress does not appear to be modeled yet, but that may need above 9.9g.
Hard to break it when the aircraft is trying to protect itself from yahoos :slight_smile:

Blackout just before full blackout. Sustained 9g, g limiter engaged. Fuel about 6.5, G Suit On, Jet Pilot. Default F18E.
(though it was silly to post a completely black picture :smirk:)

Redout started about -2.5g with G effects set as shown above picture. Default F18E.

Probably should add:
To recover from a black/red out, relax the stick to neutral, lower throttle if desired/required and wait it out. Hopefully you still have some space between the mud and you…

-Recovery time may be a little too quick. Perhaps intentionally.
I could imagine some thinking they broke msfs or some kind of bug, if it lasted more than few seconds.

Also, if your pc user.
Consider using @Raynen 's Performance and Fuel Mod Recommend it !

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For the life of me Ive only been able to ‘black out’ once and that was in the 208, no matter how hard I try, I see it (F/A 18) pulling 9 g for an extended period of time but no blackouts…Guess I’ll have to double check my settings…Saw lightning in Fla. last night for the 1st time in a long time though ;p

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Thanks a lot for sharing this. Hornet’s pulling 9+ Gs but roll rate still feels slow. Pretty sure it’s fairly agile IRL with an impressive roll rate although they likely sped up the scene where maverick is tearing down the green valley… @ccrbc

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It’s pretty snappy between 270-500KIAS, above that it starts to slow down, which I think is more tied to core control surface coding vs the F/A-18 coding.

Nope… Not as snappy as it was before the maverick update. I suppose it reflects the actual roll rate now?

Public figures put the real jet flight control limited at 225 degrees/s, the sim jet tops out around 210 degrees/s, good enough for a free non combat product.

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Yeah good enough but they slowed it down following the maverick update, lol @Raynen

Remember that you have to have actual deflection on the stick while you toggle the G-limiter control, as the G-limiter resets when the stick is moved to neutral (engaging it while the stick is neutral will immediately reset).

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Stick IS at full deflection when toggling it on. That’s how it works in real jets, I am aware of that

Did you read my post? It is hitting 9+ Gs but roll rate has been nerfed. Doesn’t feel as snappy as it did prior to the Maverick update.

Wasn’t talking to you. Just to anyone who wonders why they can’t just toggle off the G-limiter and then start a turn to see of they can get 9 Gs. Or why they turn it off once, and it mysteriously limits you again to 7.5 Gs every time afterwards (yes, you do have to toggle it every single time you want to pull harder turns).

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Yeah and I’m totally okay with that. Funny though, hie I’m some jets it take longer to blackout … The hornet being one of them