F18 engines flameout

F18 engines flames out shortly after TO, fuel is not the problem, appreciate suggestions.

Haven’t noticed this yet with ab or no ab.

  • The only time it has happened is when the weather oat screws up and goes very high. Then the engines over heat and stop.
    Any mods installed?
    Double check you fuel load.
    Check you do not have any failures set to on.
    Check your key/stick for multiple bindings or wrong set up.

Take off, then watch the temps to see if going to high, if they overheat it will show 999.
Look at the throttles, do they move without touching them?

I don’t know if this is related but today I had a weird issue with the F/A-18. After flying for quite a while (around an hour), the left engine just cut off and I was unable to restart it. The right engine seemed fine and I could land at a nearby airport, but even after that the left engine could not be restarted. I noticed this happened not long after I reached “Bingo Fuel” level, but as far as I know it shouldn’t be an issue. I have flown the F/A-18 right until it was out of fuel but both engines ran well. Could it be that I had my engine cut off due to this weather / temperature bug? I was flying at only 10000 ft in cloudy weather. I have no failures enabled.

That’s just an error in the fuel system code. There’s a few options on flightsim.to to fix that.

I play on Xbox so I don’t think it helps me. :slight_smile: Thank you anyway! Hopefully the next Sim Update fixes it.

Following suggested points , noticed throttles retard to idle shortly after TO and will retard to idle upon moving throttles to full throttle or any other position.
thank you for your feedback

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