FA-18 Engine Control

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Brief description of the issue: Throttle Cut binding (and can’t seem to find a fuel cut binding etc) not working for the Hornet - Cannot shut down the engines

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Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered: Persistent

PC specs and/or peripheral set up of relevant: Warthog HOTAS

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:SU7

If throttle cut (which cuts all the other Jet’s engines) is not the binding - what is? I also notice when you click the throttles in the cockpit, you get prompted with the option of ‘Fuel Cut-Off at Min Throttle’ which also doesn’t seem to work for me…

Anyone else?

Lean Mixture is used in the mb339 to cut throttles to off position. Also works in the DC6 but I can’t seem to shut the engines off either. What gives? I don’t see a bind for this either.

I have fuel valves assigned to keys/joystick buttons and it does cut off the engines. But I can’t find any panel switches that move when I press the buttons.

I have the same issue. In the real aircraft, the fuel is cutoff by lifting the tabs on the front of the throttles and then pulling them back behind the idle/cutoff detent.

The AI assistant will do this if you have that turned on and run the checklist, but I have found no keybinding that will accomplish the same result in the simulator.

Any assistance/recommendations appreciated.

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For now - I know it isn’t great - but, CTRL + SHIFT + E will get LEFT shut down and then do the same for RIGHT.

If you want to maintain power to the avionics and aircraft systems make sure you’ve switched the APU on beforehand.

I see the GPU block has some Mouse Clicks but doesn’t seem to activate GPU - so it’s APU or bust on Shutdown.

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Still an issue.

“Throttle cut” is cut-to-idle, so will indeed not shut off the engine if it’s still receiving fuel.

You want to switch the fuel cutoff switch, perhaps? Not familiar with this particular plane.

Just in case this might be helpful to someone, the current method I’ve found most expedient for shutting off an engine in the Rhino is to have the throttles at idle and then [look down at the throttle and] right-click with the mouse on the throttle handle of the desired engine. You should see as feedback that the throttle handle has moved back to the cutoff position aft of the idle position.