Famous Flyer VI: Ford 4-AT Trimotor

How many other tailwheel aircraft have you used in MSFS, besides the DC-3 with the adjusted parameters, that have a free-castering tailwheel? FlyingIron have some, but theirs are completely custom coded outside of the flight model configuration. It turns out the issue is much more complex than just enabling it or “simplifying” how the plane handles.

Check out Make Castering nose / tail Wheels an option in Assistance Settings and MSFS - fully free castering tailwheels... | FSDeveloper for more information.

It sort of works in the DC-3, but that’s mainly because of how heavy the aircraft is. In smaller aircraft, although free-castering can be achieved, the contact point of the wheel on the ground never changes. In a real tailwheel, the contact point moves in a circle around the pivot point. Since this isn’t the case in the sim, the wheel is not stable and behaves very abnormally, jittering all over the place.