FBW A320 Exp version lighting and squack

After the last update from the experimental version i miss some lighting. All the knobs full open and it is still a lot darker then before. And i totally miss frequency lights and squack lights.

Am i doing something wrong here now?

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same for me

Ditto. Also some weird sound glitching going on. Opening the ATC window killed the engine audio for me.

That’s due to the glass effect of the displays. I removed it again from experimental version.

Keep in mind that’s what the title is, experimental. If you want more stable behavior take development version.

In regards to the Audio glitches my guess is that this is something related to MSFS. We use the standard interface of MSFS and nothing special for any Audio.


I’ve been using the experimental version for ages. I updated it this morning and noticed this phenomenon.

It might be a one off, I haven’t had chance to try again to see, but it definitely happened and it hadn’t happened before. The only thing it could be is the new version of the Pushback Toolbar as that is the only other change I made. I haven’t seen anyone complaining of this though.

Weird that the glass effect only effects the lower parts so much then. Like the frequencies and squack displays.

When i put the time to evening it is readable but still way to dark in comparison with what it used to be

I have download an new update of Exp- Vers. and now light is solved again

Will look at it tonight. Thanks

Just FYI that audio glitch seems to have been a one off. I’m almost certain that it was connected to the pushback tool but either way, it’s all good.

I have that audio crackling with external things. It cracks when i for instance open google maps or open navigraph or those things during a flight or insert a usb drive (never do that, because this is a well known CTD thing)